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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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'There were no passengers there take on," said Mr. tol" ANOTHER VIEW OF THE SURVIVORS ABOARD THE CARPATHIA. ABSOLUTE security in ownership of Real Estate. Is made possible by Insuring the Titles with th's Company. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL 84,000,000 SURPLUS 5,600,000 100 Broadway, New York.

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Jamaica If '''''(KV jMp wJi, pm ''v 'v i cues were hurried to boats," Bald Chair man Smith. "There are several other witnesses I who give such thrilling accounts of the i ecenei of the foundering of the Titanic Elij illill I end of the heroism of men and women that we shall have them repeat what they know, and to the committee, simply for the value of the narratives as or historical interest." Senator Smith said. He continued: "Our object In coming here so quickly was to prevent failure by our own lack of any possible effort to determine the responsibility for the disaster and to give to the public the truth. We are not seeking to use a club on anyone, bul to find the truth." Pull Investigation Courted, Says Ismay. Asserting that the officials of the 'White' had been clinging for hourB.

I bw count- light which slowly resolved itself Into a less numbers of them go to their death." 1 double light, and we watched eagerly to "I bsw hundreds of men sink into tbe gee If the two lights would separate and sea and we were powerless to help them," (o prove to be onlv two of our Doata said Oscar Hedman, a United States clt-i0r whether they would remain together, Izen, who was returning from a trip which case we should expect them to; MTT-n IP) be the masthead liisht and a deck light below of a rescuing steamer 1 Sane su ivrri r.otMo'.' gjjg iv uiu juy Liiey moved as one, ana round we swung the boat and heatlpd for Star Line court the fullest investigation of the catastrophe and that they would lend every aid within their power to bring out every possible fact as regards ihe causes for the awful loss of life and every aspect of the tragedy, Mr. Ismay told, In a voice that at times trenib.ed with emotion or nervousness and that again could be barely heard by those close by, that he himself could shed but little light on the actual conditions at the time of the collision with the ice--7berg Sunday night. ii What he said brought but little additional to stories which already have been r.old by other survivors. His answert the questioning of Senator Smith gave to some of the rumors wnlch been circulated about the accident. Ismay was especially forceful, rmore forceful than at any other time he being questioned, when he was asked, "Did you In any manner attempt to Interfere with the wireless on the Carr Bieergiuan snouteu, ooys, smail boats had been so confident that sing, and for the first time, the boat the Titanic could not sink that they had Drone Into song, with 'Row for the Shore regarded the taking to lifeboats as and for the first time tears came h.

Many women who had not this con-10 tne eyes of us all as we realized that fldence In the wrecked vessel, refused safoty was at hand. The mnnr mni. .1.. out it was a very poor Imitation of themeant separation from their men folks. "Jpathia? Did you have any conference with the captain about It? "1 did not," was Mr.

Ismay's an3wer. captain will tell you I never left my room from the time I got on board until 8 o'clock last night. The question that Mr. Ismay failed to tJanswer incislve'y asked of him was what circumstances were of his own res-, cue. Mr.

Ismay paused for a moment of two before replying. Then his voice "sank low, as he answered: Ho More 'Women When He Got Into "It has been suggested," Senator Smith continued, "that two of the lifeboats sank as soon as lowered. Do know anything about, that?" "I do not. -1' never heard of It and I think all the. lifeboats were accounted for," Mr.

Ismay said. "Was there any confusion apparent on-the TltanliS when you looked back?" "I didn't see any," Mr. Iemay declared. "All I s'iw was the green light the last time I "Were any of the crew enlisted men in the English navy?" I do not know." Mr. Ismay said he would have known If there bad been an exnlosion on board but that there was1- none.

Ismay Says He Did Not. Select Crew of His Lifeboat. Mr. Smith asked the witness If he hnd anything to do with" selecting the crew for his lifeboat. "I' did not." was the snappy response.

"Can you tell us," Senator Smith asked, "anything about the Inspection certificate that Issued for the Titanic before she sailed?" "I know that the Government inspection wag thorough, or the boat could never have sailed." "Do you know whether the Titanic had Its proper number.of lifeboats?" "Yes, she had; I think there were twenty boats altogether." As a final question to his examination, Mr. Ismay was asked what he had on when he got into the lifeboat. "A pair of slippers, a pair of pajamas, a suit of clothes and an overcoat," he replied. Mr. Ismay was asked to hold himself In readiness during the day for another call before the committee.

Carpathla Captain's Story of Disas ter. Captain Rostron of the Carpathla fol lowed Mr. Ismay. He said he had 120 first class, 50 second class and about 665 third class passengers. At 12:35 o'clock Monday morning." he testified, "I was informed of the urgent distress signal from the Titanic.

I set a course to pick up the Titanic, which was fifty-eight miles west of my position. "I sent for the chief engineer; I told him to put on another watch of stokers and make all speed for the Titanic. told the first officer to stop all deck work, get out the lifeboats and be ready for any emergency. The chief steward and doctors of the Carpathla I called to my office and Instructed them as to their duties. The English doctor was assigned to the first-class dining-room, the Italian doctor the second-class dining-room, the Hungarian doctor the third-class dining- room.

They were instructed to be ready with all supplies necessary for any emergency." The captain told In detail of the arrangements made, to prepare the lifeboats and the ship for the receipt of the survivors. When the Carpathla Picked Vp the First Boat. Arriving on the scene of the accident, Captain Rostron testified he saw an Iceberg straight ahead of him and stopping at 4 a.m., ten minutes later, be picked up the first lifeboat. The officer sang out he had only one seaman on board and wbb having difficulty In manning his boat. "By the time I got the boat aboard, day was breaking," said the captain.

"In radius of four miles, I saw all the other lifeboats. On all sides of us were Icebergs: some 20 were 150 to 200 feet high and numerous small icebergs or growlers." Wreckage was strewn about us. At all the Tltanlc's survivors were aboard." Captain Rostron said he -called the purser. "I told him," said Contain Ros-ron, "I wanted to hold a service of prayer thanksgiving for the living and a funeral service for the dead. I went to Mr.

Ismay. He told me to take full charge. An Episcopal clergyman was round among the passengers and he con-Juried the services." -the prayers were being said, Captain Rostron testified that he was on the bridge searching for survivors. He told of talking with the California, which had arrived. As he searched the sea, one body wtlh a life preserver on floated by.

The man 'was dead, probably a member of the crew, the captain said. The body was not picked up, the officer explaining, "because the survivors of the Titanic were in no condition then to see a body brought aboard. "But I must say." declared Captain Rostron with posltiveness, "everyone of the survivors behaved magnificently. They sat in the boats until the order came for them' to mount the ladder in turn, and then came up. They behaved magnificently every one of them." Three members of.

the Titanic's crew were taken from the lifeboats, dead from exposure. They were burled at sea. Asked about the lifeboats, Captain Rostron said he found one among the wreckage In the sea. Several of the lifeboats brought In on the Carpathla to New York, he said, were lowered last night and hauled away by tenders, he knew not where. The lifeboats on the Titanic, Captain Rostron said, were all new and In accordance with the- British regulations.

"Did you sea any bodies floating in the ocean?" asked Senator Smith. "Only one." "Are you sure you never saw the Ill-fated Titanic?" "Yes. We arrived an hour and a half after she sank." "What was the last message you got from the Titanic?" asked the Senator. 'The last message was 'engineroom nearly full 'of 1 answered that I was rushing to her aid. 'Expect to reach your position about 4:30 I flashed back." "Would you regard the course taken by the Titanic In this trial trip as appropriate, safe and wise at this time of the year?" the Senator continued.

"Quite so." No Wireless Censorship'. Captain Rostron again denied that any wireless messages had been "censored-" by Bruce Ismay or anyone else on the Carpathla, and that he himself was solely responsible for the handling of the wireless messages. "Did you know that President Taft had tried to communicate directly with your ship to And out whether Major Butt was on. board?" he was asked by Senator Smith. "I did not.

There was something cam': In over the wireless that the President was anxious about the passengers, and wanted to know our position. "Did you know of your own knowledge that the President wanted direct information about Major Butt" "No: nothing but what I have said." "Then there was no intention of slighting or ignoring President Taft?" he was asked. "My God, I hope not," replied Captain Rostrom, half rising from his chair. "There was absolutely no Intent to ignore or slight the President; no, sir." According to Mrs. W.

J. Cardeza c.f Philadelphia, after she had arrived at the Rlts-Carlton with T. D. M. Carjeza, J.

Bruce Ismay was not only safely seated In a lifeboat before it wa3 flilcd. but he also selected the crew that rowed the boat. According to Mrs. Cardeza, Mr. Ismay knew that Mr.

Cardeza was an expert oarsman and he him into his boat. Mr. Cardeza manned an oar until Mr. Ismay's boat was picked up about two hours later. N.

Y. BOY WINS MARATHON. Boston, April 19 Michael Ryan of the Irish-American A. C. of New York won the sixteenth annual Boston A.

A. twenty- five-mile Marathon run, from Ashland to this city, today. His time. 2:21:18 1-5, breaks the; Tecord. Andrew Sockalexis, an Indian of Old Town, was second, and F.

J. Milddeq of North Dorchester third. RAILROADS AND STEAMSHIPS MRS. ASTOR VERY ILL. Tbe following; atatemrnt vraa U-ued todar br Serrtary Dobbyna of the late John Jacob Aator, at the office of the Aator estate, T.i Ml Tweuty-atxth afreet "Mra.

Aator la very HI and the care of a pliyalclnn. It will be tmpoaalble for her to be Interviewed or to grtve out any atute tneot." T1TAN1CS FATAL FAULT Clarence Herbert New Says Ship Had Double Bottom, but Not Double Sides, Achilles' heel the one vulnerable point Was found in the Tttanlr. Most authentic reports determine beyond all doubt that it was an opening up of her starboard side below the waterline and above her bottom that let water Into most of her compartments, flooded the engine and boiler-roomj, caused the ex-plosiun and finally carried her down. A published diagram of the Titanic ts-sued by the White Star line shows what purports to be an exact sectional view of tbe giant vessel amidships. This cross section reveals the fact that tbe Titanic had a double bottom but not double sides.

From the curve of the bilges to the waterline a distance of probably thirty feet there was but a single plating. This single plating extended the entire length of the ship. Should this single skin be pierced for any great length and that is just what happened there was no Inner wall or second covering of plates to keep the water from rushing Into all the compartments. This happened with the Titanic. Similar cross sections of the Maure-tania and Lusitania show that both these vessels have double bottoms and double sides, so that should the outer Bet of plates be pierced the Inner skin would still protect the machinery and thus keep the ship afloat.

Clarence Herbert New, who has made a considerable study of Bhlp construction, said today that he believed that the collision that wrecked the Titanic could not have pierced a double set of side walls. SURVIVORS' TALES ARE HARROWING Continued From Page 1. laughed In the faces of the officers, and continued their care-free pursuits. Captain Smith was on tbe bridge. He told such of the passengers as had ven tured on deck to go below and dress themselves.

They went slowly, protest-ingly. Without haste each officer, each seaman, took his post. There was no loud shouting of orders. There was little talking among them. First Officer Mur- dock took charge of the deck.

He was as calm as the night. But In his hand he held a shining revolver, and his mates were similarly armed. In a small coop on the upper deck the wireless operator adjusted his head-piece and tapped the key with steady fingers. Sixty-three miles distant the Cunarder Carpathla, out-bound from Boston to England, was speeding along toward her foreign Berth. Her onerator nlrked nn the call from the Titanic, and listened as the dots and dashes from that far-away point off the Grand Banks spelled the fated message.

It seemed like a call from another world. Just what that message was only the captain and the wireless operator of tho Carpathla know, and they haven't told. But this was its Import: "Help us. We are Blnklng." The Carpathla slopped and changed her course. In a few minutes she was racing as fast as her engines could drive her to the relief of her sister ship.

They lerognized the need for haste on the Cunarder. Not yet on the doomed White Star liner. "We had plenty of time after ship struck the iceberg," said one of the nomen passengers. "We women were told to go below and get our wraps. 1 saw Mrs.

Astor go down to get dressed. She seemeti to take things very coolly and got Into one of the last of the lifeboats. The boat was more than uu hour going down." Women Saw No Season to Forsake Liner for Open Sea. A number of the women were reluctant to embark In the small boats. They held back and Baid they could see no reason why they should "climb down there." The officers urged them gently.

They descended with smiles. They thought that, at the worst, they would row around the Titanic for a few hours, and that then the Olympic would arrive and take charge of them. No one dreamed that the Titanic was about to go under. They still believed that she was "an unslnkable ship." The water-tight doors had been closed but the officers, feeling that there might be an explosion below decks, called for volunteers to go down and draw the fires. Twenty men stepped forward as one and started down.

To permit tnem to enter the hold it was necessary for the door to be opened again and after that one could almost fel the water ruahlng in. It was but a few minutes later when all hands were ordered to provide themselves with life belts. It was then known that tho shin was doomed. The first lifeboats put away from the ship only half filled because the gravity of the situation had dawned on only a few. But, as life preservers were brought forth and the passengers realized that the officers stood ready to shoot at the first sign of disorder, women became hysterical and wives pleaded to be allowed remain by the side of their htiBbands.

The men were anxious but cool. Believed Separations Were Only Temporary. The women In tho boats were under the Impression that their husbands would soon follow. For Instance, Colonel Astor and his wife came on deck together In a cheerful mood and while they parted affectionately it was not like a final parting. They both believed that the separation would be only temporary.

Lieutenant BJornstrom Steffanson of Stockholm, who was one of the last per- ueVth last nart na of nave tne manic -ind his wife. He had Just helped fill one i toward rh7 bow "MrB. Astor you had better get off in tne coat, counseled stertanson. "No, no," sho replied. "It's all right." "Yes, you must go," said the colonel.

The colonel and Steffanson led Mrs. Astor to the side of the ship and helped her down the ladder. The colonel put his arm? around his wife, kissed her and said reassuringly: "Don't worry, don't worry." As the beat shot out from the elde the -oloiicl waved his hand In farewell. Mrs. Straus Clung to Husband, Refusing to Be Parted.

Mr. and Mis. Isldor Straus stood together, their arms tightly clasped about one another. They were both urged to get lino 1 bopt. Mr.

Straus declared that he would not go ahead of any woman. Ho was an cl-l-rly man and they dwelt upon that as a reason for his leaving. He drew him.elf up proudly and said lie would stick with the ship and with the other nii'ii. No amount of pleading coul 1 Hhnke the intention of Mrs. Straus to rc-mnln beside him.

"If my husband lias to be left behind shall stay right where he Is," she said. Mfk-ers tried to drag her awnv. but she twined her arms about his neck nnd onld not. bj detached. ('autain Smith caught up a ild bay tossed it Into qiih of the boats.

The people in the boat were unwilling to take the baby, but he insisted that they do so. Major Archibald Butt. Oeorze Wldener ind William T. Stead they were ihe-sYT, 1 It to at of Wig the group around the railing. The hope that their relatives were in other boats had been proved wrong and the long auxlety made the grief that followed more agonizing and heartrending, "Mrs.

Astor and her maid were In the first boats that arrived, and she was im- mediately placed In the captain's cabin, while the hcroa verf eave wnv in their irrief fnnrf nn. pared for them, and many were taken to staterooms and put to bed. Others told us or the wreck. All declared that a great many who could have come in the Survivors United in Praise for Cap- tain Rostron. All the Burvivors unite In praising Captain Rostron of the Carpathia and every officer and member of the crew.

They say that the officers themselves risked the terrific heat of the stokehold In order to help fire tho ship so that they might get every ounce of speed of which her engines were capable. With every single man and woman on the Carpathia doing the best that in them lay to make things eaay and pleasant for the rescued the Carpathla set her nose toward New York after remaining in tne vicinity or the wreck until 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Carpathia Maintained Strict Silence on Voyage to New York. The Carpathia's progress homeward was attended by much nivsterv. Wireless (Stations all along the coast queried her, uueinmeni scout cruisers sent messages to her and friends of those on shore as well as newspapers made frantic efforts to get in touch with her.

She maintained a strict silence, her operator sending in only a list of those who had bpen saved and private messages to relatives announcing that their loved ones were safe or had been lost. Even questions from the President of the United Stateg went unanswered. Heroism of Anglo-Saxon Sailors Stands Out in Disaster. The one thing upon which Anglo-Saxon sailors pride themselves today, the single ltaven In the bitter loaf, la' the fact that heroism was paramount at the climax of this greatest of marine disasters. The one dark spot Is the fact that In the bottom of one lifeboat which left the Titanic were found, wedged beneath the seats, the bodies of two dead Chinese coolies and eight living ones.

Thet were creatures on their way to New York to Join sailing ship for the Orient, and who. at the first sign of danger, had sprung into the lifeboats before they nu icii meir aavus and concealed themselves beneath the Beats. They were trampled upon by the women who were lowered into the boats later, and two of them crushed to death. Not until this boatload had been taken aboard the Carpathla were the bodies of these dead and living Chinese discovered. RESOLUTIONS OF SORROW.

Men and Religion Committee Suggests Action in the Churches. At a meeting held yesterday afternoon headquarters, ISO Montague street, the following resolutions were adopted: "The Committee of One Hundred of ihe Men and Religion Forward Movement of Brooklyn expresses Its profound sorrow at the unparalleled disaster In the sinking of the steamship Titanic, and the appalling sacrifice of life consequent upon the same. "We sympathize most earnestly with the bereaved friends and relatives of those who Here lost. It Is suggested tnKt'n sympathy, the mem bers of Ihe congregation of the various churches In the borough rise and stand in their places at the close of the service on Sunday morning next, while tbe organist plays, 'The Dead March In ui INDEX To Classified Advertisements in Today's Eagle. CtHMl dent ion.

Amusement 'lansi flea inn. mnni, a musenieniR Married i Miik'iil Instruction Mlm'llRnfiuft IJ Ocean Steamships. 4 1'Rtntn Auction fulrs AntOIIHllllIf-rl Hi i (is, I'ms linga HuarrlinR Hustntsa Notlres. ijm his birthplace in Sweden. 'The snrieks of the poor wretches as the boat went down were terrible to 1 hear," gaid Hedman.

"They seemed to echo and re-echo trom the water." I Some of the passengers had entrusted I their safety to rattg but they were swept I off and washed away. A number of men, however, who Jumped overboard, were picked up by the lifeboats that were not filled, and In this way the number of men survivors was Increased. Robert W. Daniels was one of the many who remained behind with a life-pro server bound tightly about him. and the sea.

When the ship sank he turned Munea unii, me waves carrioa 11 1 111 iniu; about and swam. There was nothing he could seize hold of, and the water was icy cold. His sufferings were intense. The darkness was terrifying. He could see no one.

could hardly distinguish hand before his face, but all about he could hear shrieks and moans of fellow mortals In distress. Daniels doesn't remember how long he swam thus. Eventually be lost conscious ness and knew no more until he felt himself lifted out of the water and Into a boat. The boat contained thirty-seven people. Some of them were In a mis erable Dlleht and three of them died in terrible agony before they were picked up Dy tne The sufferings those 700 people under went In the five hours they cire'ed about the spot where the Titanic went down waiting for help which seemed so slow in coming, will never be realized.

Most or them wore only the thinnest of cloth lng such garments as they had been able to secure in their haste in the few minutes allowed them between the time the officers ordered them to get ready and the time when they took their places In the small boats. They were chilled to the marrow, and many of them collapsed as soon as they reached -the shelter of the Cunarder. Field of Ice 60 Miles in Length En veloped Boats. Morning dawned and they then saw that they bad been drifting In the midst of held of Ice which stretched as far as the eye could reach. No one had ever seen anything like It berore.

It wag more than sixty miles in length and spotted with nuge Bergs gome of them twice the height of the tall pier at which the Carpathla tanaea last nignt. The air wag like a breath from the polar region. It was like running Into a Greenland harbor. Despair was beginning to take possession of the little band of shipwrecked, cast away on an unfriendly sea when a shout of Joy arose which came from full hearts. Far In the distance gleamed the lights of a great steamship and as she approached nearer and nearer the we come outlines of the Carpathla came full in view.

She reached the scene Just about dawn Monday morning. There waf nthlng to be seen then of the Titanic except a few, a very few, bits of floating wreckage. The waters flowed smoothly over the place where she bad gone down as If she had never existed. Except for the presence of the small boats with their shivering groups of survivors and a few scattered bits of timber no one would have known that the Titanic, largest of steamships, had ever been. The transfer of the survivors to th Carpathla was accomplished without accident.

Tho Carpathla's men saw a great number of bodies, but did not attempt to pick any of them up. Two Women Die From Shock as Car- pathia Is Sighted. What was perhaps tbe saddest Inci dent of all orcurred In life boat No. 13 lust as the rescue ship was sighted. Al bert Smith, 26 years old, of 20 8tanley rood, Liverpool, was in charge of that boat and ho told the story of two women who passed away just as the Carpathla drew near and was In full view.

Kvl-dentlv the shock of the discovery that aid was so near at hand was too much or ihem in their weakened condition. "Their bodies were placed In a watery grave, Bain smiin. one Knew the dead women. I do not know what was going on In the other life boats, but what I saw In No. 13 was enough to drive anyone Insane, when It was realized that we were about to pe snatcned from the jaws of death.

The last I remember was being lifted aDoara tne i.arpatnia. I collapsed and remained In that condition for four hours. Titanic Was Going at 23 Knots When Iceberg Was Struck. Smith said that the Titanic was out to establish a record on Its first trip. She had made 664 knots that day and was racing along at about twenty-three knots when she struck the Iceberg.

Smith praised Roberts, the wireless op.ratnr. highly. He said that Roberts had plenty of chances to escape death, iviusen. in buick to his pogij i I Robert W. Daniels, the Philadelphia banker, said that twelve boats and a number or collapsible boats left the Tl- tanic from the port side.

Four were low- ered over the starboard Bide. Those on the portside drifted southward and were the ones picked up by the Carpathla the following morning. The four that left on the starboard side were unaccounted for, according to Mr. Daniels. Band Playecl as Liner Went to Bottom.

The band had taken up Its position in a prominent place where all could see It and as the lifeboats filled the Btralus of "God Save the King" and "The Star spangled Banner" floated out over the quiet water. As the great Titanic settled lower and lower Into her grave the band played softly "Abide With Me" and "Nearer My God to Thee." All this time the discipline was perfect. When all the cabin passengers had been attended to the officers threw aside the barriers which kept the occupants of the steerage from reaching the deck3 occupied by the cabin passengers. An officer in uniform came up as on? Doat went down and shouted "When you are afloat row round to the companion ladder and stand by with the other boats for ordrrs." "Aye, aye, air," same up the reply. But the order was not carried out.

When they were afloat and had the oars at work the condition of the. rapidly set tllng steamship was so much more a Bight for alarm for those In the boats than those on board, that In common prudence the sailors saw they could no nothing but row from the Blnklng ship to save at any rate some lives. They no doubt antlci pated that suction would be more than dangerous. "One by one tbe boats were filled with women and children," said Mr. 3easley today, "lowered and rowed away Into the night.

Presently the word went rouna among the men, 'The men are to be put in boats on the starboard I was 011 the port side and moBt of tho men walked across the deck to see if this was so. I remained where 1 was and presently heard the call: 'Any more "Looking over the side of the ship, 1 iw the boat. No. 13, swinging level with deck, half full of ladies. Again the call was repeated: 'Any more "I saw none come on and then one of the rrew looked up and said: 'Any ladles on your deck, I replied.

'Then you bad better Women and Baby Thrown Into Boat as She Is Lowered, "I dropped in and fell In the bottom as they cried, 'Lower As the bo.if began to descend two ladies were pushel hurriedly tnrougn tne cruwu uu ueun and heaved over into the boat and a baby of ten months passed down after them." Mrs. Churchill Candee of Washington. declares that Captain Smith maintained his place on the bridge while the water rose higher and higher about him. crept to his waist but still he showed no sign of relinquishing his post. At length a wave swept him away but be swam back and grasped the rail.

The last Mrs. Candee saw of him he was cllnglnj a piece of floating wreckage. A lifeboat tried to reach him, but It was Impossible. Mrs. Candee gave this dscriptlon of the sinking of the Titanic: "Suddenly the Titanic shivered and her head appeared to be going under.

When she finally foundered lth hundreds of passengers, helpless on her deck" ores were left struggling against the auction while many more were drawn to their end. the turmoil of waters subsided above the spot where the ship went down there were still some alive on the sea's surface. "The nearest lifeboats made their way, the beBt. pace they could to the rescue these few. Those who were picked up were suffering from fright, shock, immersion and by the time the Carpathla arrivedfrom exposure." Dead Bodies, Frozen to Life Preservers, Drift About in Swirling Eddies.

Many were frozen fsst to their life preservers and the bodies of hundreds who had perished in that way drifted about the ship the prey of every swirling eddy Many were the strange Bcenes which were witnessed In those early hours of the morning while the Carpathla was rushing to the rescue at top speed. Men and women sank on their knees In the small boats and prayed fervently for deliverance and that loved ones might be aved. Men who had Bibles opened them and In some cases read aloud, nf those who were swept Into the alive and lived through the great waves bU. of wreckage until daybreak. There little of that.

Camp chairs had been wasnea mi" Lrr. azures. nr there were few, pieces of timber offering the firm hold tnat a Btout spar would give. One after another of those who strove to support their heads above the water holding tenaciously to whatever offered a firm grip, lost strength through exhaustion and sank Into the Bea. Hundreds, Exhausted, Released Hold on Wreckage Supporting Them.

Mrs. Candee said: "We could Bee hundreds of men release their hold on wreckage to which they Boat, Says Ismay. "The boat In which I got away was filled right opposite me," he said. "It -contained a certain number of women. The officer in charge of it there called out, 'Are there any more There no answer.

There were no passengers where 1 was standing. Then, as the beat was being lowered, 1 got In." Other portions of Mr. Ismay's testimony related to the route that was being followed, the speed that was being made, the knowledge of the proximity of Ice- bergB, any possible consultations Mr. ismay may have had with Captain Smith regarding these and other things, to questionings as to the lifeboat capaclfy, their number and equipment as regards provisions, the crew and manner of handling, and to what had been hoped from the safety collision bulkheads. Mr.

Ismay stated that the Titanic had leen specially constructed to float with any two compartments filled with water. "I think I am right in saying." he "that there are very few ships today that would do that." He explained that the Titanic, he thought, had sixteen of these bulkhead compartments, and that he meant that any two of the largest of them could be filed with water and the vessel would Still float. He then made his assertion that the Titpnic would have floated It She had struck head-on. "She struck the Iceberg a. glancing Mow," was his answer to the question on that point.

must have hit, I understand, between the breakwater at the forecastle and the bridge." The That Befell Ismay. Mr. Ismay's recital of the happenings that befell him when the Titanic struck showed that be had been down stairs In his cabin when he felt the blow. Going on deck he inquired what had happened and then returned to his cabin again for bis overcoat. When he came out on deck again he went at once to the bridge where he spoke to the captain.

"We've struck ice," he said was the word Captain Smith gave him. 'Do you think the ship Is seriously said he asked Captain Smith. The answer, he said, was, "I'm afraid she Is." From here, Mr. Ismay'a testimony told that he went down and spoke to Chief Kngineer Bell. The chief engineer also told him he believed the shin was seriously damaged.

'But I'm "hoping the pumps may keep her Mr. Ismay said he bad been told by Mr. Bell. The rest of Mr. Ismay's statement of bare fact concerning the circumstances at this time shows him as going back to the bridge and then to a collapsible boat on the starboard side.

Mr. Ismay believes it was one of the last to leave. The witness denied that he had seen any confusion on board the Titanic, or had seen any passengers or crew jump the sea. He also said he had spoken to no one of the officers or the members of the crew who had been saved except Second Officer Llghtoller. He did not actually see the Titanic go down.

"I was sitting with my back to her," said. "I was rowing all the while until we were picked up. I did not wish to see her go down." Twenty Boats; No feafts. Mr. Ismay's testimony about the life-; boats carried by the Titanic confirmed the stories already told that there had been twenty.

The White Star director said he understood there had been sixteen wooden boats and four of the collapsible type. There were no rafts. They hadn't been carried in recent years, he 'declared, because they are not considered suitable by the White Star line officials. Titanic Was Making 21 Kuots. At times Mr.

Ismay's face broke Into a wan Bmlle as ho answered the queition-1 ars. It was a smile woakneses and of defeat rather than anything else. it P00r elnging. A cheer was given uext quavering voices maKC n(1 that was better. You needn't keep In time for a cheer.

Our rescuer Bhowed up rapidly, and; as she swung around we saw her cabin all alight, and knew she must be a large steamer. She was now motionless and we' had to row to her. Just then day broke, a beautiful, quiet dawn, with faint pink clouds just above the horizon, and a new moon, whose crescent Just touched the horizon. 'Turn your money over, said our cheery steersman. 'That Is, you have he added.

We lauahud at him for his superstitions at such a time, but he countered very neatly by adding: 'Well, 1 shall never say aealn that thirteen Is an unlucky number. Boat No. 13 has been the beBt friend I ever Certainly the thirteen superstition Is killed forever In the minds of those who escaped from the Titanic in boat No. 13. Mistook Icebergs for Fishing Boats of Newfoundland.

"As we neared the Carpathia we saw In the dawning light what we thought wag a full-rigged schooner standing up near her and presently behind her au-other, all sails set, and we said: 'They are flsher boats from the Newfoundland Bank and have seen the steamer lying to, and are standing by to But In another Ave minutes the light shone pink on them and we fiaw they were icebergs towering many feet in the air, huge, glistening maBses, deadly white, still, and peaked In a way that had easily suggested a schooner. "We glanced around the horizon and saw that there were others as far as the eye could reach? The steamer we had to reach was surrounded by them, and we had to make a detour to reach her, for between her and us lay another huga nerg. We rowed up to the Carpathla about 4:30 a and were hoisted or climbed up the ship's sides with very grateful hearts. "We were received with a wplcome that was overwhelming In its warmth, and 1 should like to say here that there la not a member of the Titanic on board who feels capable of expressing In adequate terms his gratitude for the attentions showered on us by the captain, officers, crew and passengers on board the Carpathla. Carpathia Prepared to Receive 3.000 When Message Came.

They were called upon suddenly In midoeean to receive, they thought, 3,000 passengers and crew, and although this was not to be, they made every arrangement for so doing. Hot meals, blankets and berths were provided for each as they came aboard. Clothing and money was i supplied Individually by passengers Berths were given up ny men wno slept on the smoking room floor or anywhere else that a corner could be found. Carpathia Passenger Describes Scenes of Rescue. That was how the work of rescue was seen by one of the survivors.

Mrs. C. F. Crane of Fort Sheridan, a posspnger the Carpathla, told just as grapnicany, although with leas detail, how It ap peared from the carpntnia: i -nvihinz so remarkable I In my life. Late Sunday we received wireless message from the Titanic asking for aid.

The next morning we reached a soot where the Titanic had called from k.l,. Th.i-o nnthtne i- thi-re was no wreckage. The Bailors on tho Carpathla seemed to be dumfounded at not finding the Titanic We were steaming along siowiy, appar ently almlesBly, when from in bm-k or a small iceberg came a imf looked very email. The captain ordered the boat stopped and gradually the little boat drew up to us. Women Were Rowing First Boat Sighted.

"We saw women rowing It As they drew alongside the calmness of those women was unexplainable. They needed no assistance In climbing on to the Carpathla. They acted as if It were not at all unusual. "There wns no crying among them, and as they came on board they yielded willingly to the many hands stretched out Thev were tnken into the din ing saloon. None of them was properly clod.

Those that were fully dressed were In evening gowns The nihprs had littlo or no clothing. In the dlntn saloon they were Klven clothing, and thf-n, as if thoy had all ben through similar experiences before they went looked mefldlly nhrad out over the ire- strewn oct'uo- nirv.le womleriiifTly. and ihvn realized tin obJeetfl their eye8 Bought. MorB little white boat came into view. The same scene side There was no sobbing or weeping.

The life band along the mil, gradually Increasing in is i uuis ni alongside, eagerly scanner, eacu lace as It came over me sine or wip uuhi. men atare ahead was resumed. The num ber In many of the little boats was piti fully anittll. 'Finally m' time came urn hi i tne little boats had drawn alongside. As th last one in tne iasi doui came over in? side there was a moan of anguish from one woman.

It was repeated throughout CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signaturt of HunJnenH Oppor' i ie.s Jrnnl Coastwise Strain- titps Hargiln Corporation Notices, ('ounter 4- M-Vi-'T-H-lS Real Em at 13 Dani'ng tl. K. at Auction. Notices Loans Dentistry Sits Warned European Ailvta IS Financial Hi-1 7 Si a 111 Imata 15 For Exchange.

Summer Cottages Fur. I looms To Let 4 Help WuriU'i 1- Tax Notice 14 A- H''s ns. I'o Let For Sale Kl-14 In McnmrlHtn I Trn Instruction 11 1 Wante'l 1 Leffal Notices C-T Where to l.ine Well Lot and Foutii IS until tne iai weui. uuwn with hlg hand on the key. The Carpathia's hospital had been put In shape for the reception of a large number of patients, rolls of bandnges and lint were ready, hot coffee and sandwiches prepared and everything possible done to make the survivors comfortable.

The condition of scores of tho survivors was terrible and pitiable to behold. They Buffcerd from fright, exposure and frozen feet principally. Muny of them could not walk aboard without assistance. It was 4:30 In the morning when tho Carpathia drew abreast of the first boatload of survivors. There were six women and one man, a sailor, In this boat.

Five more boats were then picked up In quick succession. There wen-twenty or thirty persona In each boat. In the one which, contained J. Bruce Igmay there were two dead. All were benumbed and many had on nothing but night clotheg and some light wrap thrown over them.

One of the collapsible boats capsized Just as the Carpathla bore down to pick up those who were In It. It contained thirteen or fourteen occupants. Two men were hanging to one possibly with a death grip. The weight of these two proved too much for the small craft, and It turned turtle. All those whom It had contained were lost.

Lawrence Beaaley, one of the cabin passengers, gave a striking description of the coming of the Carpathia. Hig own wordg put the seen gg graphically as it li possible to put it. He gaid: "Low down on the horizon we taw was especially noticeable- when he ans-o wered the queries about the speed the had been making. Mr. Ismay declared that the Titanic had not been 'pushed at all at any time on the voyage.

"We were making twenty-one knots an hour on the evening when we struck, about twenty-six miles an hour," ho said. He said later in his testimony lu "'this connection that his only consultation of any kind with the Titanic cap-tain, If it might be called that, had beoc. a sort of agreement that they would not to reach the Sandy Hook Lightship until 5 o'clock Monday morning. In the midst of the questioning as to speed and as to bulkheads, Mr. Ismay was asked again about his own experi ence In getting from the ship.

The query' was whether or not there had been pas-' senger3 on the Titanic seen by him as the lifeboat pulled away. "There were no there where we went asserted Mr. may. "Then do you know if all the women i and children were saved?" Mr. Ismay's face flushed slightly and his voice carried the gravity of.

bitter -wo as he replied: "I'm afraid not. sir." "Was there any attempt to lower the! coats of the Carpathla to take on pns-. eeneers after you went aboard he?" i-'Sfked SeuaUf Mndlcates l-'ipplptiifnt. MOTOR DEALERS COMPLAIN. Protest Made to Commissioner Over i Arrest of Chauffeur.

The arrest of Frederick Kurtz, who wb driving a demonstrating truck last week, has caused no little comment among th motor truck dealers and manufacturers and a formal complaint has been lodge! Police Commissioner Waldo hy th Automobile Dealers Associaiion. Kurlz, who was driving a new truck around tor the purpose of dctnonfctratln in jvo-pective customers, was arrested' by I'oilcTnnn John Mesele of this bor-iiiigh. who said that he thought the truck d.ti no! bear sufficient evidence of hard uragi 10 warrant the carrying of a maa-ufacturer's license plale. Kurtz wis summoned to appear In th Filth District C-ourt on April 10. but th was dismissed bv Magistrate Hylan.

In the cotnpla'nt to Commissioner Waldo it was pointed out that the unnecessarr arrest of KurU had cnused a loss oC three days' work for both the chauHW and vehicle. I GOLD STORAGE 2 OUR CHARGE fj I ON YOUR OWN I Leading; Knrrlera, i jM 4HH Fnlton Brooklyn IcQ hdebg, the into the bouV I 1 1.

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