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The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois • Page 4

De Kalb, Illinois
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THE DE KALB CHRONICLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1914. Reals Paia to Iowa on' account of her slater's serious illness. They returned last If DECEASED HAN NSHTUTE IS HElTTFOR NEGROES AND INDIANS tBy Cae4 Albany. X. February 5 Tbe week to Chicago aad ha occupied his Fcr illiasi pulpit In thia place Sunday.

ISINOVN HERE The doctor was called for France Cattle from here Wedaeaday night. 9. S. Wheeler was a DeKalb caller Monday. Mrs.

G. E. Wilcox and Mrs. A. Russell spent Wedneslay with friends In DeKalb Mr and Mrs.

Art Bean of DeKalb spent Sunday with their daughter Mr. Lee Harold. ELVA Mrs. and Mrs. J.

A McDole spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Claud Manning of Lombard. Mr. and Mrs. J.

O. Agnew wbo bare been epending the past to weeks in the South returned home Saturday night There is nothing like MDSTEROLt for Sore Throat. Bronchitis, ToasUitis, Croup, Keck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Ernises, Chilblains. Frosted Feet. Colds cf tbe chest (it prerents pneumonia).

Millions of jars of MUSTEROLE axe sold aannany. It is a staple ia tbe large hospitals. Harper last Monday. She has bees first a aeries of Important New York meetings of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute of Vir unable to attend school for a few days. Oar wraadmotbers had a gortietgn Rv edy.ior pains aod ache the ckl-tfshSoaed jaustard piaster.

It did tbe work, tmt haw it did sting sad bliztei John Powers usoved from this AGED RESIDENT OF ILLINOIS ginia, was scheduled to be held here today. The Institute Is for Indians aad negioes. and is backed by the place last Monday. They will keep bouse for his father aad family thia year. HAD MANY FRIENDS IN IN THIS CITY George Wilcox was a DeKalb call federal government, some of its up Clarence Swaasoo and Helen And The Church social was beld at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. G. Li nd berg last Friday. A crowd was ia attendance both afternoon and evening and over 1K was taken in. er Wednesday.

Henry Welch and Charles Wenmuth shipped bogs from here Tuesday nirbt Now yoo eaa get this marvelous relief, vevth. emt tkt platter aad writhout the blister MUSTEROLE fa the Twentieth Century form a clean, white Doctors and nurses use it and recomaead it to the patients. Aks yoar doctor. At your druggist's, in 25c aad 50c jars, and a special larze hospital keep expenses bjlng paid by gifts from prominent philanthropists. erson were United la marrage Weraea-day.

February 4th, at p. m. the BROTHER OF MRS. COALH A mew rtt Chicago rnt Sua- i v. k.U at church at Leland.

The wedding sup Mm. Lee Harold is spending a part jueeuflR. w- joay wth hU parents here. of the meek with her parents in De per will be at the bride's home -two miles south of Leland at p. m.

morrow, at riocnesier on aionaay and at Buffalo on Tuesday. They A) Kalb. Mr. Renwkk, Who PassedAway at all be open to tbe public. Mrs.

James Harper is Improving. The doctor did not come to dress her Mrs. Shilte is keeping houe for Mrs. Everett who underwent an operation at the hospital in D-Kaib Tuesday. Ila-ri Montgomery ms Ie-Kali.

izuC'-r V. -dn'-lay. Mrs. I.a It rf entertained the ROLLO Lily Lake, Was Close Relative to DcKalb's Aged Twin, the Oldest in the State of Illinois size for $2.50. If your druggist cannot supply you, send 25c or 50c to the Muvterole Company, Cleveland, O.

aad we will mail you a jar postpaid. iat Mas. Mavtik 3- Sum, St. PsaL lad-, utk "Xostcrote worth Its wetglst ia etld.sad I reeoimmeod it almast every lr- It is tim best (or Asthma. Bronchitis sad BhramTlsm 4 mr.t 3Iug I h-" ever esed." ointment made with oil of mustard that yoa rob on aad tha palafagoa.

Aiid ft won't blister tbe teaderestitia- It's to easy to apply. Yon don't bare to bother with a doth. Just nib la briskly So that It penetrates tbe pores aad yoa get delicious, cooling relief. hand on Wednesday. Tbe first time TAFT IS GUEST OF HONOR Senon is quite skk and under i- couia oe leu lor the dfxtor's care.

to visit Mrs. Eva Anderson has gone. 4 I i. i Jk her sister afTjary Indiana. women's cIoj Tu-Jay.

a very inter-1 h. a as visiting the Consolidate James Renwkk, 1220 Charles hool in this place lat Tuesday. one of the best known Scots of Rock I Mr. Perham ent to Wedon lat 'ford, who had lived the life of a pion AT IMPORTANT MEETING (By, rlt Frees. I Boston.

February 5. Former Presi dent William Howard Taft, now professor of law at Yale, will be tlx--est of honor to be given by the Bo ton Vniversity La" School Association tonight. Professor Taft delivered ace of his lectures on "Legal fethJcs" at tbe Boston Law School this after- Tu-Kday to pend a ft days itl il ft er Jn both IhlTCnited States and esting program 2r Acn-w gave a ery interesting talk on her rip through the A very da.n-ty lunch was served Mrs. Koy Inzham a Sycamore caller Tuesday. F.

W. Case shipped a car laod of Oally ThawaKC When we look Into tha long avenue-of the future and sea tha good there la for eacb one of ns to do. we realise, after all. what a beautiful thing It Is to work, and to Ilea and to be happy. Stevenson.

her moth-r t.o i sick. The plastering in the in schoc at completed this week. Canada, died last nigbt at his borne after an Illness that begun last June. Death was due to the Jnfinnities of age. I Mr.

and Mrs Pittrrian were tallei, The funeral, which will be private P000- DDE in E3E DDE inn DDE 30E DDE JAMES HARRISON DIES AT TOWN OF CREST0N wiii be beld at 'the home Thursday at '7 a. el. aad tbe body will be taken by the 7:45 train to South Grove cemetery, near Kirkland. Ill-, where the interment will be. James Harrison of Creston, for many years prominent resident of this vicinity died at his home yester- To gte the life history of Jamet ill Renwkk is almost like airing a his day after months of illness.

Mr. i 0 Automobiles Carriages Wagons Signs Winter is the itieal time for having Automobiles, Carriages, Wagons, repainted or revarnished. We are thoroughly experienced in these lines and prepared to guarantee high class, satisfactory work. tory of the latter part of tbe Harrison leaves a son Artnur and a Joluraiy Wise brother Quarton la this city. The relatives from this city -ill at- 0 teenth and the early part of the twentieth century.

He waa born at Dumfriesshire, Scotland. June 3. 1S32. the son of Walter aad Mary R. Ren-wick.

He was one of sixteen child tend the funeral Matstn Mditoriim Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings and Saturday Matinee NOTICE ren aad whea be waa three years old his parents brought him across seas The undersigned county clerk cf to Canada, coming on a sailing vessel that required eight weeks to make the trip across the ocean. Boyle Woolfolk's great Comedy Hit, with Sam Mvlie in the Title Role, supported by a well selected star! of clever actor folk. SIGN WORK GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION To It 8. When Thirteen Mr. Renwkk reached hit thirteenth year he left Canada and came to the States settling in DeKalb County will receive bids on or before Tuesday Feb.

10th 1914. for 250 Circuit Court Dockets, Ruled stock furnished by the clerk. Docket will be" ready for the printer Friday February 12th. I will also rect bids at the same time for 10K Astes sors' Schedules in blocks of each and on good white paper. Also 4v.

Agriculture Sutistic blanks on yellow M. Ackerman Corner of Tenth St. and Lincoln Highway to that early day at a point eight mile? west of St Charles. 111., at a place known then as Canada Corners, but known today as Lily Lake. He livec Don't fail to see and hear the famous "I'eachblow Chorus," a Company of good looking youn? ladies who can really sing.

paper, in a diock. S. M. HENDERSON. County Clerk.

1 SERVED IN A COLD PIE. as Canada Corners two years and with bis family moved to a farm at Pierce, DeKalb county, where- he began life for himself, serving other? nnffl he hA obtained sufficient mnnev Sir Jeffrey Hwdsen's In traduction ta 1 I 1 1 Admission lO, 20 and 30c i with which to purchase a farm of hif Prhsna hs tnntt remarkable dwarf I Paraguay's Rich Forests. Paraguay baa valsable forest resources, tbe most important of which on record waa Sir Jeffrey Hudson. tb I own- He bought a farm in South Grove township, and cleared it with a is quebracco. particularly rich ia little fellow whom Scott introduces ia "Peveril of the Peak." He wss Lorn tannin.

pair of oxen, living in a covered wag IB 3 DC DDI 3DE DCDE 3E rurnlshcd dally by MARTIN KENNEDY, 11S North Third St, DeKalb, niiaola. Member Chicago Board of Trade, Correspondent Lamoa Bros, ac Co. Pbona 79. DDE G3E ta itutiaaaszure. Engiana.

in loiy. -fon while he was doing the work. Last When eight years of age be was pre- Vr n.nw-k Morpssod aented by tbeTuke of Bucldngbam tol v. A A Queen Henrietta la a coUl pie. Heaft- WHEAT Opaunur High Low Close erward became attached to tbe court of I cniioien arove mm 10 tae xarm Charles At one of tha court masks near Canada Corners.

the king's porter, a man of gigantic I Three Children Survive slxe. wbo used to torment tbe little tn igl Mr. Ren wick was marriec dwarf, pulled from one pocket a loaf of Mi wbo lurTTef ores a ana irom ise oxoer jearey. uves fa the anroriaa and amusement of the company present, Jeffrey was at thit drn. three of whom survive: Marion time only eighteen Inches la height.

I C. Odor of Hammond. R. H. Ren- He remained at thia suture until be I wick of Argyle.

111., and Mrs. Rose was thirty years of age, after which a Lawbaugh of Rock ford. Thomas Clearing Sale oil Wl-I 921 i 88, ti 8i 89 OOEH 6 65 July 64 I 651 641 64 OATS 19 i S8 mm CASH CORN Ko.1 NalW SatY 644 65 Ko.1 59i 61 No. 65 No. IT 60 61 i No.

4 58 60 Na 4 62 64 No. 4Y 59 60 No. 4 new Sgm St 54 581 curious exception to tha laws of growth Renwkk of Kirkland. I1L. Robert Ren wick of Maple Park.

111., Mrs. Margar took place, sine Jeffrey rapidly grew to be three feet nine inches ia height. et Julian of, Dixon, and Mrs. Ague 7 TT3 whereas moat men do not grow a quarter of aa Inch after the age of thirty. Bryan of Sycamore.

Ill-, are the sur riving brothers and sisters. -He leaves numerous relatives I-this vicinity. This dwarf had an enormous head sad very large bands and feet: otherwise his proportions were symmetrical and bis face waa considered handsome. Tha White Ship. GANGER KILLS CASH OATW No.

NalW 88 Na 4 7 Btandard 401 CHICAGO CAR LOTw The age of chivalry is supposed to be that age when young men dreaaed themselves cp in armor, and pounded one another with lances and sword. 81 74 It is perhaps well to recall the story of the White Ship, which ia tbe year 1120 carried to England tha grandson Wheat 88 Cora 1W. 1(1 LONG FIGHT 86 137 79 of tbe Norman conqueror. Thia ship waa captained by tha son of the man wbo bsd steered across the conqueror himself. Tbe ship sank.

There was (By Catted Press. Baltimore, February 5: Con gresamaa Robert Bremner of Ne 865 M7 870 only one lifeboat. Tha young prince waa put in that, to ha rowed away. OaU 72 LtVCSTOCK CLOSE ........840 Mixed ...840 ...855 Receipts 22000 5e to 10c higher Estimate 18000 Cattle 5500 steady Sheep lo000--steady No. 5 Yellow uia aisier acreameo.

tsa pux oaca jersey whose brave fight for lift save ner aiao. bo many wapea into the boat from the sinking ship that ail were drowned except one botcher. wbo clung to tha mast. The passengers on this ship were 140 picked and no against tbe ravages of cancer attract ed the attention of tbe country, died today at a sanitarium where be under went the radium treatment. At time did tbe physician hold oat hope bis case being too far advanced.

TKa v4t lie kKawii Kv s) satv a at 55 ble kalgbts. guarding tbe person of their future king- Collier's Weekly. French Royal Wiltons.Royal Wiltons of all grades, Wilton Velvets, Axminsters, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels in the various grades. Fiber, Matting, Grass, Ingrain. Any and all rugs carried over are being offered at a price to move them.

We need the cash and we must have the room for the finest stock of rugs ever brought to DeKalb, already arriving for the spring trade. Also Cleaning Up Sale in Carried over patterns in Lace Curtains ay I a asaaut.jr atuvaa vj as utu. a as. NO. 4Yellow ......53 No.

.5 White Corn 59 Na White Oats 84 Na4 Tvbite OaU ...53 Whoat. ......................74 .49 Some InveaUgator of curious subjects I tonlshed tha physician wbo believed I f. 1 VI. .1 l- Ll-k nas ciacoTerea inax ua lavenior ox traveling incognito was Peter the Greet it was only his own optimism which kept him up. In final effort the pby sician injected $100,000 of radium i-to his shoulder.

He became uncon scions at midnight and did not re Tive. Bremner was greatly interested in radium and Its use to alleviate can cer. When ill he said, "if expert men ting on me baa added a new of Russia. The next after the famous Rossian sovereign to adopt tha practice was Joseph IL of Austria. wborh 1777 made a little stay ia Paris eader the title of Count too Falkeastela.

During tbe revolutionary period Louis XVIII. barfed bis temporarily useless royal dignity under tha privacy of Cotnte da LCle. whlla Charles X. passed as tha Comte da Mariea. Tha ex- la One Way tha Reeemblee Mother.

A young man on the South Side, newly married, was asked If his wife could make pie like his toother used to make. "Well. I don't know about that," be aald. "but aha eaa make about, thesame 'holler" when 1, track mad into tha house." Kansas City 8ur. to science, treating cancer with rsdl Empreas Eugenie la her splendor ra quently took littla trips a tha then my life hla not been la We Will Save Yon Money de Plerrefonda.

Sec Us Before Buying a "THE MELTING POT" Practical Results. I -There may be aomathlaa: in thia tbe- cets are now oa saie at mica, ory of said tha mystical rd Dickermaa's for "The MeltJaf person, Pot," tbe annual play to be presented -Ton mean thought concentration by the Dramatic Club of the Norma" letterheads aad eavai-opea make a favorable Good impression oa your respondents. mat ewwa ywi wpra. School. The date is Friday evening oa others?" Inquired Senator Sorghum.

-Tea." February 13. Admission 35 cents. 1 -WelL there may be something ia It. Bat doat depend oo It For practical I Batter see if your stationery esc not be improved la soma re apacta. results ia Impressing people, telepathy Uqquhq for A GOOD TAILOR! wui never compare wun a oraaa oasa and a.

"Washington Star. Levin, located at CIS Uacola High at to west prices way la the one. Gentlemen's suits made to order. Alterations on Ladie Best Terms a tha Gas eaa be had la oar Job Prtntlag departmest. Be Dearest, you're the goal of my apparel a specialty.

Cleaning, press affections. She (removing- his arm lng aad repairing neatly done. Call phone number 3. $3 fire yards for holdlngi--IIarvara Boon, i.

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