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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 13

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 .) ISX COLLARS S7 "rk and the strainer. In the coffeespout. r.uUTe.i It with a bent needle In tha tW that by the) cork In the he could increase or diminish the ft air. The pressure of jthe gaa he t.i'.ntrd by an ordinary spigot from a tiruar AftT lie ha.l satlafled hhnaelf I that the work In hla forge, -the elder plumbing" was extended to -thelshon. and k.i forge waa Instituted In the shop, the wonder of the aer a w-onder not confinfd to the little) from which Ouyton received hla Patroriaire.

He has letters now In his from some of the leading In ventor and mechanics of those times ask- for Information about his forge or offer- rurtrr for Ita Improve-i-nt. itys wtth itttle satisfacUon that ar Guyt.lh relalea that It was with this tvt" thst Newton's first steel bit was per-f the Verv kind of bit which oil drill- a-e usinV to-day wherever the search is matte. Mf i OuvtHn waa Myrtle Van Winkle, eie isi.a dlr-tt descendant from the New "rx Van winkle, who settled there in Mr Guyton himself trace hla origin 'x where tha family ''irgalahed In 1085. The Pope gave 'se or them coat of arm and the title for his bravery In the oefena of Michael Abbey at Met. In Germany.

Threarore S7 In the defense. of whom re dead. One of the survivors bo-the head of the Ouyton house. SEW OBSESVATORT PLANS. for a new observatory building ad-WarrK the present obaervavtory on ML I-eckout win be submitted, at the monthly of rhe Cr.lversHy Board to-morrow fternoen.

The new buiWIng la for tbe ven-inch telescope which waa taken ltn the observatory and replaced by one 1 irv-hes diameter. The old telescope win b. fOP the free of the t-Jdrats of the university and the public s-erwrai, while the new one will be used by Astronomer' Fortes la hla wrvation, of tha ha.vena OBJECTIONABLE tiTEBJITTJBJE. Fred Fehr. a aaloon keeper at 4W? Ham--ion irtaue, was foand guilty in tha Po-hve Court yesterday mornUig oa the charge distributing Illegal literature.

Tha eaae Waa i-. mt suiu ine prmw literature will also be arrested? leaterday afternoon 8am atchooley. a aa-oon keeper or 5985 Weat Sixth atreet, waa arrested on the aama charge. AU aaloon "per. dispoalng ef each Utersatarw will arrested.

JTiUaJIJa. Henry Prank, bookkeeper of tha. City aaaira fllatl yesterday morning at nla henna on Eighth near joaa, stare am vmm. wkk hla broihara aad.

sisters. Ha aa 1 rears old. and waa one of tha saos ai- employaa of tha waterworks. Asthma dropsy caused hla aVeath. Ha had bean Jntble to work for tha past month, ana chI Dtnnler waa gppolnted to tak Tii.

nt tr. Sara ntrrnm i or wcuraoiea 1A hist days June and a a their Home en Beeehwood avenue. Eaart Walnut tuu. "ere will be moralng and afternoon aea-and lunrheoa wlU ba aerved. Aara.

w. I. Irwin will b4 la harga. NEWS OF THE COURTS. i Interest la tha contention over the Regan lot on tha river front waa added to when ytsterdsy quo warranto proceedings were taken in the Circuit Court attacking the corporate existence of the Louisville and Nashville Railway Company, ii la another atep In tba fight of the Cincinnati.

New Orleana and Texaa Pacific Compajiy agalnat the Louisville and Nashville over the ab sorption of, the river front. The property bought by the latter. running along the river front from Main to Ptunj and north to wgter. is held not by tba Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, but by tha Louisville and Nashville Railway Company. On relation of the state of Ohio and at the Instance of the Cincinnati, new Orleans and Texaa Pacifle people.

County Proseou tor Hoffhelmer yesterday Bled an action attacking tbe corporate existence of this company. The petition act ttp that the company calling ltielf proceeding without warranty of law to appropriate pri vate property by right of a corporate fran chte from tbe state when it has no such franchise right- -Tha private property la the Regan lot. The prayer lis that the Court properly Instruct the blainttff and that the defendanta be ousted from their pretenalons In The defendanta aa named are Brent Arnold. Kins B. Kinkegd.

Challen B. Ellis. Albert J. Anser and Frank Van Blyck. Signing the petition as co-counsel With Prosecutor Hoffhelmer la the firm of Harmon.

Colston. Ooldsmtth AV Hoadly. Mr. Klnkead. who, with the other defendants.

Is a member; of the new ccmpany. said their articles qf Incorpora tion were perfectly regular and they an tlrlpate no trouble from tbe proceedings In OLater. SlTorca Mattara Viola Ijangsdale Rust told Judge Samuel W. Smith yesterday that aha (eft bar husband, Albert, and went home to her father becauawshe was hungry. Thai couple were married April ft.

1U0I. and lived toe-ether until December 25. 19U8. Ha had for a long time failed to provide for her, and aha wanted something to eat at least on; Christmas. Her action waa for divorce, and the decree was granted.

She la a daughter of Attorney R. H. Langadale. Judge Smith gave a decree; to Lulu E. Armstrong from Charles 8.

They were mar. ried In Adams County. November 22, VSBO. where he was a schooltracherJ He left her two years ago. and she doesn't know hla present whereabouts.

James Morris was given la decree and the custody of his two children. He left hla wife. Isabella Agnes, he testified, because she neglected the children and the home. Laura Spence sued Ohmer Bpence on the grounds of neglect. Is a par Inspector.

Manietta Harrington asks decree from R. B. Barrlnarton. alleging extreme cruelty. She says he forced her to sett her real estate and refused to give her the money.

afterward leaving her. They rwere married May 1903. Carrie Victor. In her prayer for divorce from Leon, alleges groaa neglect and cruel treatment. They were married December 31.

189T. Attachment Suit An action in attachment all taken yes terday by H. J. Anderson agalnat J. Piaster Croeby, proprietor of the East Lynne Company, pluylng at tha.

I Lyceum, for $1,801. The claim Is for tinting- posters. Habeas Corpus Procgadiaga. George Leonard and Thomas Wilson were yesterday released from the workhouse by Judge Caldwell on habeas corpus writs prosecuted by Attorney D. jt.

Robinson. Five other writs were filed! by Robinson on behalf of George Brown. I Joseph Huy, Riley Keller. Harry Walters and Louis Lowenstein. All have been fin the work house since IPOS.

(, John Lannahan waa committed to tbe reformatory on a conviction of robbery. Hoffhelmer Declines. County Prosecutor Hoffhelmer yesterday replied to tha request of Franklin Alter. declining to at present bring an action In Injunction saralnst William Chambers. Mr.

Alter desires to prevent tbe payment to Mr. Chambers of commissions on de-linnueM taxes aararea-atlna approximately tao.OOu. allowed unde an action of the Leg islature Tnursoay. ear. uunntraier ay he has not yet seen the bill and haa had no opportunity to famillarlxe himself with Ita provisions.

I I THREE access! Narrow Escapes Trom Death 3tx pari en cad By JCaxatta. -u three narrow escapes rrsvsa death Friday) night, and he was on the verge or pnysicaa he faced Judge Lueders In the Police Court morning on tha charge of loiter ing on railroad property. While Intoxicat ed he waMeraa into iom d. sum a. yards and mada a bed out of tba track a Hla head rested upon one rail and hia feet upon the Otner.

A swiicra engine oacra down upon him. bat fortunately ha was i. wa -a th. an the IIH w- tender. Tbe engine waa brought to a stop within two reel oi nm amptr.

wn -i 'uniii A rw ritn tn ri ribe VI lift awoka him and ha left that spot. An hour latr be was seen oa tna Jiuicreaa onoge. with tua I eel aanguoej we- in eip- a IMI. Kjl atiV In Antftr A ftra. vent hla from being tossed Into the creek.

Ha waa again enaaea out or ue yarwa. xxv mmw ill rtA fell aaleeb silt tha rails a sain. jDn this occasion ha had another narrow escape from being run over. To get nim oat af the way the brakemen threw him fnta a rrelgbt car. Ha waa again wrapped In tha anas ef Morpheus whea a railroad detective discovered him and placed him nnder arrest.

SOira OF A2XXSICAH EEVOLTJTIOS'. Tha local chapter of tbe Ohio Society Sons of tha American Rerolntlon met on Bmturdaur aXtemeoa at tho Otbsoa. Hauss. After luBcheon tba following officers were elected: Rev. E.

P. Whallon. IX President: Caiooal John W. Harper. First Vies President: Albert W.

Hayward. Second Vice Presddent; John IX Follett. Secretary and Treasurer: Colonel John W. Harper. Rev.

George A- Thayer. John trt XJoyd. Goorga Kinsey. Gideon C. tV Uaoa.

Board of Managers. i Repreaentatrvaa were chosen to attend tha annual meeting of tb state's society to ba held in Colnmboa on April ta. the aa. sat tLa battle ef LeTlrgton. Of Wild Bills Hair Presented By Richardson To the Aged Widow.

Pathetic Scene Enacted in Bobinson's Home jlf Warranted Linen clrA AJ You can get them at: XT ty Stores' J1 1 ELDERS 1 Served For the Gas Pipes And tbe Neck of a Coffeepot Was Used For a Burner Ii tbe First Teat Made of Natural Gu For Fuel Purposes Joshua Guyton'i Dlncorery. I1L Di'ruri TO Til IMCUIl. V.ri-tta. Ohio, April Ths use of natural tunl is not as new aa many ar l-l to believe. "Josh" Ouyton turned hrhoe, made plowshare, and sir.i-i harnrae at a forg.

bra ted by i- early IMS. Ha la the pioneer of natural aa a fuel. J.inu liuyton la now an octogenarian. H- i ths declining years of hla mith hla good-natured wife In tba center if ihe oldest oil region In Ohio tha (oar Hun-flfid in Washington County. Ha n'ffjfil In Ufa bMiuM he waa a genius.

Hi' hiatniy la an Intereating one. for he tei.tributed to the commercial and Indus-trul (it Ohio In more waya than tha ry of a um for natural, gaa. Mr Griyton came to Ohio early In the fortlrt He had learned blacksrnithlng and a.rt-ii shop in Washington County, abAji right mllea from Marietta, in what itim a very sparsely settled commu-aity. (Ml had been discovered there many J.irs "Th Burning- Sprlns" at Cow Run waa a "oimbi; well exactly like the more famous prin In the Kanawha. ftlver West Virginia Home one had aot the torch' to the exapihK kn and the spring burned day aid night, rain or Hhlne.

the one dlsttn-guifhme ndr of the community. Ouyton began experiments with tha burn-Ire spring and found that gaa fire. If properly miied with air. made an intense heat. He f.suied that it woula make a far better fuel in his smith forge than coal.

But to get It there waa a question which' aya required constant study for more than a year. Hia nrt successful stei waa to pipe the from one of the wells near hla shop a amall shed, where he could eaperl- without Interference from tha wind -1 Such a thing as a gaa pipe waa. mur. unknown, but by patience and eiliaeme he managed to safely conduct a fairly pressure of gas to hla Irapro- 'rj laboratory through carefully connect- 1 elders. The CMrk'anft the anrvut fmm an nlrt-faah- cofTeopot made the first gets burner ever used.

Mr. Guvton arranared hia "n'ter by means of needle holes In the When tbe Newspaper Bias Opened tbe Booe Case And Brought Forth tho Ringlet One Worn Bj tho Hlatorie Foo of All Desperado sraciaa. ntararca ee rss ssasiass. New York. April la.

There waa a pathetic little scene enacted not' long ago la the happy home of Gil Robinson, af Cln etnnatl and New York, tha well-knows ctreus man and glob trotter. In that swell New York suburb. 'Jersey City Heights. which brought back memories of one of the greatest scouts tbe United States ever boasted, who waa a most potent factor in tba Indian wars on tha Western frontiers, and whoa friendship waa highly valued by all the fighting men of tha army. In cluding General Nelson A.

Mllea and the unfortunate General Cueter. It was Just a lock of hair that had been clipped, from the head of Jim Hlckok, who was scarcely known by any other name than Wild Bill at the time be was assas sinated In Deadwood many years ago shot in tha back of the bead by Jack McCall. aa be waa drinking with friends at a bar In on of the crude saloons of ths town. How the precious lock of hair was pre served to this time, and tbe method of obtaining it as tbe great scout lay weltering in his own blood, make an Interesting story, which waa brought to light this week at a stag dinner given at the Metro-pole by Gil Robinson for several of his old-time friends. Among the invited guests were Leander Richardson, the well-known newspaper msn; Colonel William Comley, long since retired, but who a quarter of a century ago was tbe leading theatrical manager of this country, having been the original proprietor of the Bijou Theater In thta city, where be made many elaborate productions.

Includ ing the notable presentation of "Olivette, In which the name of Catherine Lewis, who was brought from London to impersonate the role of Olivette, will live forever, and who was a former popular club man In Cincinnati and for years the financial backer of the great impresario, the late Henry E. Abbey. Famous Stage Successes. Famous stage auccesses of- years ago were gone over by the party, and during the course of conversation the wonderful attendance at the Barnum and Bailey cir cus In Madison Square Garden waa touched upon. "Was over at the circus this afternoon remarked Gil.

but ain't that a swell grind? I met Buffalo Bill at the show, too. Cody was leaving for Europe and I had a hard time getting away from accompanying him. If it had been about month later Bill and I would have been tal across, you bet." "Speaking about Buffalo Bill. eaia Le ander Richardson. "It makes me go back many years.

Tbe man who done more to make Buffalo BUI the idol of three generations and to whom Cody always removed his hat when It came to a question of gamenea, was a friend of mine. I mean Wild Bill. Suppose you fellows never met him?" and Leander acanned the faces of host and guests. Never met him?" repealed Gil with a look of surprise. "I guess I knew Wild Bill as well as anybody.

Had good reason to know him. Through the' entanglement of the marriage lawa I happen to be some sort of a son-in-law of the famous scout. Don believe it? Well, lfs a fact neverthe less, and I'll tell you how it came about. Tou know my wife Is a daughter of Mrs. William Lake.

Under the firm name of Lake A Robinson the first road circus In this country waa organized. After several successful season my father and BUI Lake quarreled and separated. The next year Bill Lake was killed on the doorstep of his borne In Missouri by an unknown drunken man. Mrs. Lake undertook the management of her husband's circus.

It was on a visit of the Lake circus to the far West that my mother-in-law. for I had in tbe meantime married her daughter Emma, met Wild Bill. The man whose courage was ss tough as adamant was at that time Sheriff of tbe county that Cheyenne ilea in. It was a esse of love at slyht between the great scout and Mrs. Ike.

and It was not long before they were married. Wild Bill was killed at a time wnen atra. Lake was my home In Cincinnati, she having come on from Dakota to be preaent at the birth of my daughter." Leander Richardson looked QU Robinson squarely In the eye when he had finished. These men have been warm friends for years, meeting, as on this occasion, many times to talk remimscemiy. ana sun roe well known newspaper man bad a cfierlahed treasure which he hoped to turn over to a broken-hearted widow.

And where is Wild Bill widow now?" slowly inquired Rlchsrdaon. "At my home In Jersey City re plied Gil. "She's past MO years old. but still spry aa a kitten." Then I want you to give her some till nit that I have been carrying in my pocket ever since the day Wild Bill waa assassi nated." said Leander. With that Richardson reached down in hla inside Test pocket and brought forth a little bone case, from the recesses of which he gently unraveled a lock of auburn hair.

"I have carried tnat lock or nalr. said Leander. paaeing the silken trees over to Gil for examination, "hoping to find the widow of Wild Bill, who in life waa a very dar friend. How I came of it is still green in my memory. Leaving New Tork years ago I.

like many ethers, sought to make my fortune where Horace Greeley said the future was brightest. I landed In South Dakota, which waa the mining center of the West at that tint. tired With Wild Bill. Becoming: acquainted with Wild Bill In Deadwood. the flame or friendship waa quickly fanned into one of brotherly love.

We had one of these crude utile nunta on the main street of the town, where we slept together and at our meals at the same table for many months. I forgot to say that Colorado Charlie, another game ster, also lived with us. The killlag of Wild Bill was the most startling Incident tn my life. Only a few minutes before his death we had been chatting together in our hat. Bill had scarcely been gone two minutes when a shot rang out on' the air.

Colorado Charlie Jumped up at the sound ef the shot, with the remark: bet Bill's doing and rushed out on the read. followed quickly oa hia heels to a aaloon about a block down tbe road- When I entered Wild Bill waa lying- face downward on tbe Boor, having been ahot In the back or the bead by Jack McCall. who claimed that BUI had long- before killed hia brother, although the great scout had always denied it. Aa Bill lay on tbe floor I cut thia lock of hair from hia head. i xow take Gil.

and ariv it to hfra. Hlckok. I know It wia bring back pleasant memories of the man who eras a deadly enemy to Western deroeradoea. and who could shoot with both bands as accurately a one of Tncia Sam GU RobtnaoB. took tha treasure to home that evening and handed It to his mother-in-law.

The aged woman completely broke down aa Oil repeated the story of Richardson. At tbe time of Wild Bill's death she left at once for naMbtn. but be fore she reached Deadwood her famous basbaod had ef bis buried. All rant re- oetonglngs was the son- THE EXQUITtEIL. CiCIXXAXJC SCXOATT.

liVTERESTING JTEM1 A Vtrtumerj DcmoagtraUlem. Tk Kew rvwaveh Bm Tb Xw MUItae-rr IImw The Xew Bek Ltepartaoemt Tb Saw Shoe DepartsBeat Tb Lruaeh Boaa The) Msvaleariat Table Damask. Bleached Table Daaiaak, flae aad heavy qnuallty and hand, some dealauat 2 yards Rn wide. Yard OUC 24.1a. Xapklna to Qf tCfk match.

vA.UU Bed Sprttds. Lanro 11-4 Friasjod Crochet Bed Spreads ta new and choice) deeifaa. $1 25 If wUTCsB, eel USSSat SUSSS Bed Sheets. Extra large bleached Bed Sheets, good, wearable qual Irj! size DOxOO. fKf Each OOC Bolster Cases.

Hemmed Bleached Bolsters! 2.fneh hem aad very srood quality) 42x72. 2 7 1 Linen Bed Spreads. Hand Embroidered Linen Bod Hp read beajntlful, bat. slightly soiled, phenomenal inll'Zl $5.00 brero he wore when McCall fired the fatal shot. -The hat had been thrown back on Wild Bill's head when McCall stepped up behind him.

and the bullet pierced the rim. It was treasured until- a few days ago, when ita great age made It an easy prey for moths. In looking It up to present It to Richardson tn exchange for the silken tresses Gil discovered the servants at his home, unaware of Its historic value, had consigned It to the ra baa while house cleaning. SISTER Had Good the "Amount Her Brother Had Embeazled. John Mefford.

19 years of age. was yesterday arrested at the Robinson's Circus camp, at Terrace Park, on the charge of embeaslement. preferred by Sherman Rich. ards. a dairyman In Norwood, the young man's employer and benefactor.

At the age of 8 yount MefTord was adopted by the Richards fomlly. by whom he was reared. Such was tbe confidence reposed In him by Mr. Richards that a few months ago he waa placed In complete charge of the financial end of the extensive dairy. Interests or Kicnaras.

Last Monday MefTord went out on his usual collection trip. He. ailed to return, and Mr. RIchards's suspicions were aroused. Going over his route on the day following h.

discovered that young Mef-ford bad -collected between S30 aad S33. He Immediately swore out a warrant for the boy's irrest. and after a thorough search yesterday located him at Terrace Park. When notified of his plight Mefford's sister made reparation for the amount he was Indebted to hia employer. He waa accordingly released on the promise that he would leave Norwood.

HE IS STILL BUST. P. A. Mondon. the young Italian who waa arrested at the Instance of Rev.

A. who claimed that he was thrust ing his attentions upon his young daughter. with whom he became acqoaintea on a European tour, as told tn Ths Kkqcibcx at the time, failed to appear in the Police Court yesterday morning on a continuance. Judice Lueders told Mondon's attorney. Ed ward Pranks, that his client would nave to appear, as he had been informed that Mondon continued to annoy the Andiidge and had used Insulting language when addressing the young lady's mother.

HAVE FOUND THE OWNER. Special Agent Larry Grady, of the Big Pour, left yesterday afternoon for Wash ington, from which city he will escort to Cincinnati the young lady who owns the trunk from which Baggageman Drake and Expres Messenger Kenworthy stole a diamond ring and peart brooch. Drake and Kenworthy wer charged with grand lar- Iceny yesterday. Tne trunk was oeing shipped from cnieago to pia ioint lomiort. Vs Grady said yesterday the men abstracted the Ting and brooch from a case which contained many other costly Jewels.

WEISS3CANH TRIAL CONTINUED. The criminal libel charge acainst Druggist Charles Weissmann. preferred by Dra. Charles and Chase of Coileg Hill, was called for hearing in Squire Winkler's Court yesterday and was continued until next Thursday at 1 o'clock, by agreement of the attorneys- The defense will call Chief of Police Mllllkin. Detectiv Cal Crim and Folic Court Clerk Harry Hanover and his assistant.

Mr. Gehrleia. It la expected that the defense will bring oat all of tbe charges made against the Perris brothers at the trial. BASERTJPT AS3XER. Thomas p.

Mclnturff. a farmer pf Harrison Township, Champaign County. Ohio, yesterday Sled in the United States District Court a petition in voluntary bankruptcy. His tia bill tie aggregate X34.354 SO, while his assets are given at rSCSUO. TATST" RRA7TT.

DTIN0. "Patsy" BrasU, the oldest park police- in the city, is dying of a earbancie at his boss en lit Adams. He has been a policeman In Eden Park for about 20 years, and before that was a private He la about yers oM. Fierce Fight to Quit But easy when you timi ettotes wvwll mde Postum Coffee 1 ft ft ft lat Tr' 31 Ttr urur 3d Floor Aaari 2d Flor Aaaes 4 th floor 4 th Fit BOYS' CLOTHING. Onr store is full of new F.

B. Q. novelties for boys spring wear Spring Reefers and Nobby Top Coats, Norfolk Suits In plain blue and fancy mixed Scotch Cheviots, Russian and Sailor Salts with all the latest klnka In atylea and trimmings. Suits of Washable Materials that will wash, in plain whlto and all fashionable colors, very choice and hand some patterns. REMEMBER.

The McAlpln Famous 'Wear Well butts, coat with two pair trousers, ages 0 to 10 JLTlikt Jl, lltOU rwrwr Jit Silver Damask. Silver Bleached Table Dam. aak haad.epua, tho boat wearing Damask la the mar itSJJ si.oo .8 Vapklaa to O-f ne match. I I Complexion Towels. Somethings new la Towels Complexion Towela 'especial, ly constructed tor akin and IlVifdosen SI.

00 Pillow Cases. Extra long Hemstitched Pll. low Caeea, fine quality. 1 17-43x38. Each Dresser Scarfs.

Bleached Figured Hock Dreaeer Scarfs; choice designs; remarkably good QK0 value, 17x54. "JO Tray Cloths. Haadaome Tray Clotha in plain Linen and Damask ef. fectai very choice patterns; alxe 18x27. QC Paeh 8Et2fD FLOOB AJTXKX.

-EVERY ITEM GUARANTEED AS New Styles in Furniture. Library Tables. Solid Oak Library Tables, extra large top, heavy turned legs, with large pattern h9lr S7.50 drawer Dressers. 1 Solid Oak, geldea polish finish, beautiful patterns, curved toilet, oval Dressing Tables. Golden Oak or abogaay polish finish, French bevel mirror, with drawer and French $0 98 Mattresses.

Felted Cotton, haad.made aad warranted to give per. feet satisfacUon, QA 7 made to order. w. Couches. Sanitary Steel Couches, can bo demonstrated Into either single or double bed, also couch OK rrc effect.

7Je China Closets. Fine quartered oak, beat glaaa eada aad rttted with large double 15 25 groove ahelvea. we Chiffoniers. Flae quarted oak, high grade, fancy patteraa aad oval mlr rore, heavy bases, beat $12.75 Davenports. All Steel Daveaport, Nation.

al spring mattrces, bolt coa- st rue ted aad heavily broaxed. aa elegaat line to gQ KQ select from Iron Beds. Brass head aad foot rails, finished In all colore, choice la appearaaee aad $4.98 Parlor Rockers. Quartered oak or Slahogany, saddle ood aad low backs, fine piano polish CA tZ finish FOURTH FLOOB AXXEX. which you are Invited.

GAS RANGES SOLD ON MODERATE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. -ae a a See Monday's Enquirer for Advertised styles, guaranteed an wool slks. Dress Goods and Ladfes' Ready-tO'Wear Garments, Remarkable value fJJj Second Floor Annex. ISX i a ll 20 of the Fires in Cin cinnati During July, 1903, Was Caused By Gasoline Explosions. 53; fjlX cent great fire in Baltimore was caused by an explosion or gasoline.

in a. a a. 4f a The many advantages gas has over gasoline ror cooKing and heating purposes can be readily seen NO ODOR. NO DANGER, NO GREASY CAN SITTING AROUND THE ROOM, and, when a slot meter is used, YOU PAY FOR THE GAS AS IT IS USED and avoid the monthly "bill. Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company, fli FOURTH AND PLUM STREETS.

a. SPECIAL. Th S39.00 CALIFORNIA DAILY TO APRIL 33th. Oaty Lisa kavtac Pallsoaa' stxeajratoa SUaaa- ta Car aVarvto. cinrinaati to Law Aaweics and Chicas.

SmJt Lak. 017. ITv poaimiai fmj-iarmkmra aSS Vta. 9ei. O.i lr Arragg I raeaat Matiaaa.

mt aililraa. JOaJhTSl aUaVtaal. Bl 1 MAIMS! mnmi I a uimuuwwD 1 00.000 ZEZJllL S6S.000 It's Ulce buyiryr GOLD DOT.T.ARfl for Ofi Oonta. If you want a Piano and liko to aa-re money hero is your opportunity to got more value for loss money than has ever boon offered in this vicinity. Every inatrnmont on tha floor reduced.

A NEW FIAlJO FOR SPECIAL. WABRA27TEIX STOOL AND SOAR? FRTTB axe Wawifeef and vjrill not bo duplicated whoa aotd. CASH OR PAYMENTS. The GrauPiano Company Wos- 139-132 W. Fourth Bet lace and Elm Sts.

tr as hotel ALr.is1 Okas. Is opea for gwesta. Bar-vie th beat. Price, reasonable. to let for card parties) and social gatherings.

Ballroom for daacing. Inspection solicited. B. CX'XantCilUX. saaaaaawek 3 3 EDUCATIONAL.

TRAXailTKBti hi a. aaUa a-iTT TtaiaUr. M. Froam rtaa- Jo z. 5t Ktrcv.

Paaw La Sav. atwf. near aoea. ktV I i While, the damage resulting from these fires was small, the danger aa a 1 1 aIa- wiP ft to me ana property may De realized wnen we rememosr mat me re- uv itV Hi ii Hi wV wV vi Demonstration at Fourth and Race Streets all this month, to 0 vV Or Hi PROF. C.

J. LAM PE, v. w. coa. irrs axo axjsi or.

WALTZ AND TWO-STEP BT BST XXTRODH. Hears I p. m. to 4 p. m.

daily. Other htnri ar a4jL'tlaot. Racrp'in x-in-iaT kmiji a p. n- JLit (oraaer io atu. uiu wvle-Mbi.


an S.maaar. Triad ias is Paaat. THE EMIL WIEGAND Violin School, SIS-SIT Weaa! (mala ftmt, ClaM-lanael. Ssasaah aa lr an exxwneneaxl traaslatae-. Hit.

Lmloo Tmat UM. FOR TTAKFlaTTONS or lawaon. and 1 1 aaa 11 call ar are CUrVaUCB. Zli LaetbU caacat. OCEAJT 8TXAJCSSXPS.

ta Freaea) HJCafJU april lrrala 13 -april T-a Brmiminsm. anr Tar la Screw Staan 'La 8avi. Oeswral Aaewrr. Bnaenr. Vn Tor; Oa Vaiara Ka-loeraJ Back.

TS "ST. Tfclr atla. Rratt. Ttatr aaat Walaat S- aaaa aoaaa. Vlava St.

rtrax' rjrnrs to rnwrc ism. aurlcs Sploa aad Sanaaa eeaa uebs ail lla Se.4 fcToonaa Oaacs P. C. CI-aSK. Ill Brwaatsmr.

M. Atlas Xattaaaal Bank, mt WaJatat strset- rronmotntav nirrufi. The awiaasl saretts -me ta saecaauMrra a th 0J ritoai" T-aan Ccanpaajr wi'l ba kr4 montjat mrv-rsiNo. apc is. a at tha- Traafde.

Brnatk aa Ritm ai. O.rlasailL nrwa aa utrmnn mtk-r INTERKT1NG MERCHANDISE Sew Stauketord f-ai(rtaa let Ft How fare! a I Finer OThito Woahahlo Kid OUtH let Flor faiatr laasdrwei Sho SUk let Flowr IMo.lVooHasrIUcl(Mos)kaitk. let imos Jsraior fcJt. CM Fl 5ew rTrM' rslr Traakt. 4lh Flaw 1 f.

1 i. 0 Y--S A I 0 I If DOUSEuEEBin. HECE SSITIES, Table and Bed Linens. Lace Curtains, Rugs, Velvet Very choice) designs aad cel. or.

Urge assert. (C at, sue Ox 12. v--y Wilton Velvet Rue Splendid color aad designs, SrSeaCr: 818.50 Shirt Waist Boxes. A moat beautiful selection of China Matting. desirable and aeasonable bhlrt Waist Boxee, Qf KC each ya.ww Nottingham Curtains.

8AO pair Nottingham Lavco Curtains, well made in real laeo 1 IT effeeta, per pair. 1 Irish Point Curtains, Especlallr selected patterna In Baxoay, Brussels, Irish Polat, Mario Antoinette and Cluny Laeo CurtaJas, all high grade; worth up to OK 7K aio.OUpalr Gold-Filled Specs or Eye daises. Roxbury Tapestry Rugs. A very rar lot of tJeetrablo effeeta at remarkably low a. $16.50 Bundhan Wilton Rugw Ktreedtaalr choice, tubrrlsr very ehotee color aad ery wearable quality.

1 Ol Yard. 1 Real Lace Curtains. 4V(SQjiniii fas 14 aa aia Get Your Clothes fa 9a.aa eatrattv a7 a ii wo.wula.taa- rill WarllaaslH. aa Saialr In Our Easy Way. i EASY TO BUY.

EASY TO It's tbe only Wear the snl iiey for tbeiu a illtle at a aime while euJoyln; the wesrloa; of u-t the-; tuiiiute styles. YOUR PROMISE TO PAY IS AS GOOD AS YOUR BONO. It's all tlie security we ask for or re-quire. There are ia1ilvelT no rl-tai re.iiolons thrown our free I o-all eaaieat-oo-t-artlx cradle YOU WILL FIND HERE The bft iirodoi-tlons of th lesdinr fashionable clothes manufacturers Ixmilon, I'aHs and New York. lilgJi class women's arm en I a in artistic original style.

Tjilor-made and tailor fitting clothes for twn ami youths. A WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY Awl can inrove it to you. ur swell styles are hoagbt with the sole purpose of suiting iaartk'olsr people. Reaamier. Wbso Yon Trade Yon trade with the Credit Hous." here every thjosr la guartiiel to you.

Ckftbes to wear, to tit. aud la rrp to the mlout In style or your womj back. A ehoico collection of hrautl. ful IrUh Point, Oaay, Tarn-boar, Antique and Brweeele $3.98 Lace NcL BSti ards of Irish Bruaaele aMd lusty very desirable quality and effects, THIRD FLOOU AXXEX OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. Point, la-oa, 50 Worth t3UV, at $1.50.

-Monday only. Each aair caevtaay aa'staied is the sight hy aa eisert ecatlat Ko optical department In the city Is so well qualified to avedure satisfaction as we are. Tho at tendants are experts and the stock Is tbe best aad moat complete aad wo guarantee satisfactory at. tenttoa and treatment. If your ejea are troubling or paining you eome ta and werwlll examine them free of charge.

Second Floor Annex. W(HJJiKl(i. KTW PTJBLICATTOKaV w. ii tmr tr. a uaraj IW" ran vrm laaaj CsaeialllWUn riS.

tU aaaasss fmr rtWZJTB aawn. JM.S-. nsi Hnnnnn am 1 a Htktr aaaaaaaw. rna. ail X' .11 St.

Louis Fairs 5 ysws srkaw jaw liaa, suo st soaaa bkc ME PAY TMX CXPESnXa. DON'T TYTISS IT awsiaiaaXjlTniWaT. riamMAtt. Aalll Mia. Waa4re0aB mmf pmrt vt Csjaa awaa.

auaaa or Xwtaw Hmm a.n aoal a taia oner. as ri mi a mam aiiiM man. a. aad tron BC Losia eraea t. aa or Hat etsre arsaaiaam.

Si aavas ma far tta.a ami fat tfO as aezruu aw saaca aa f. Lasai raar opiates mt. firlt nn it 1t iiian ear ar-d radruaal eVaar.rl try aw wrm si a a. au aavri.iri a. a.

.1 nnlr 1 1 as ia.Kat.ta.1 aad SoT I mua a a. Kk at Jtawey Orer. Whwi. w-Ttx avea. faHaoiry Is Maatauaf asatklxt lleew 1 a "M' Wsrsaarawr S.i.ra a.

fnalnan, SaSan. rwaiai of 1WLIFL Ta aM abanlw. ainif Jairlten aVraraa: Oaawtaw awr. Cartraaw Fsar. VSt fwaa I a i saat Art ekaV.

rslli 1 a aaa frr ranrr tmir s. ran. ekav. Paar.srssa toe aaiaa ar mtmmrmm a. aalir annnum lar Mar.

aS tni niai itMsitiai r. O. ar 1 1 a. aaa iUaas. NiH.

se4. i CO WANTED 45 Experienced Carpet Salesmen. 1VIAY- STERN Cc CO IIXTH AND DOORKEEPER Aa SovkSMswr. awtwewa 23 aad jmr mt aa. kae Mka.

eaviniat aad ca.Il aa aad batlhlm. CaU mvm wrtrtea aawtlraaa aaat r.fatawi ii atlas- Maw. cmSajr aad T.raaar. LCCKLA5D LUMBC2 COMPANY. laocaJaad, Ohio 1 CENTRAL AVE.

ASTKOTjOOT. -Bt 1 TELL F01.TUI1ES fsvur taji-vrap HnMmti 19m wsis-srsi s3srfwf.r Uaffat mm esxartaaj la fsats. 4 a sj fajf jsntaar ans ravyaj mmtw- a ALL xora ur rn. r4 insp trm -f. aaaaia ar aiirwr.

aMl taw Wvxa. I kUsl i n.ti rr-r. tea tm ut mua Waa aaaA--..

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