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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 32

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
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All of Our Hats at Half Price. This Includes Imiv-rrted Kew Tork and inade' Hats. In large, mall and mllum hDa Black and Ho-rai selection of vlara and atylea. ALSO sea Panama, amd Sailor, at Popmiar Price. Simple Little Dresses of Linen, Lawn and Dimity $6.75 $4.75 Values to $10.75.

Values to $10.00. Balance of French Linen Dresses AtVz, and Off Former Prices AND Irish and Princess Lace Coats la white and black, three-quarters and 50-inch Coats, ranging in price from $15.00 to $55.00 At 99.75 to $35.00 AND July Clearance of Lingerie Waists Of Irish Crochet Handkerchief Linen. Mull AS mm Frmmth maad.mtaam AW. amor, ires OacAetf CmBmn, Jmhot, md mSmtkmt ham. Uadm.

mt off. French Batiste, Crepe and other materials, beautifully trimmed in laces and hand embroidery. At $9.75, formerly $15.00 to $45.00. At $6. 75, formerly $9.75 to $15X0.

At S3. 50, formerly $5.00 to $7.50. At $2.00, formerly $3.25 to $5.00. All Children's Dresses and Coats at Half Price ALSO Beautiful Undermuslins and Lingerie in the Clean- Up We've gone through stocks and arranged for your choo sing this week Combination Corset Covers and Drawers Heretofore 110 and $19.50 At V. Off.

High-Class Gowns Heretofore $8 SO to $25 At Off Beautiful White Petti, coats Heretofore $1.60 to At Off Silk Petticoats A Variety of Style la plain and Fancy Sllka. Heretofore) $7.50 to 1X5.00 AtVtOff Of Taffeta, black and colors, la several different styles. Heretofore $5.00 to $7.66 At $3.75 Of Meaaallne, black and colors. Heretofore $9.75 to $15.00 At $6.75 Special Sale of Corsets AH correctly fitted by Expert Cortetieres. "Jennesse" high-grade, made to our order on correct Paris lines.

Regularly selling for $1230 to $15.00, at $3.00. AND High-grade "La Adrea Corsets, heretofore selling 'at $3.00 to $10.00, at $5.00. Since the quantity limited we advise early choke to get correct size. Wczt FcTlh -StTCzlVinB cr Haze. THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, JULY 4, iOSU Comet Drew For Women" Our Store will be Closed To-Morrow, Monday, in Honor of July 4th.

Oar July Clearance Sales Will Hold Full Sway Throughout the Week Extraordinary Values in Tailored Suits About fifty Suits all told, of At 4 Colored Serges, Checks and Mixtures, formerly selling to $39.50. tftO Hand -Tailored SuiU of At ploiO Imported French Serge and Satin Cloths, plain tailored and fancy trimmed, formerly sold from $45.00 to $69.50. A cox nn Tailored Suits of besl At pjZQUU quality satin cloths and worsteds, formerly $50.00 to $75.00. Women's and Misses' White Serge Suits At Off Two-Piece Tatsah Silk Sail Am. (finer nn i Black and colors; formerly At sold at $39.50 Imported Tussah and Shantung Suits a m.

ro- nn 42-inch Coat, formerly sold At from $45.00 to $59.50 About thirty-five Three-Piece Cloth Suits Dress and Coat $59.50 to $79.50 at $35.00 All Three-Piece Shantung and Tatsah Suits at Vz Off Original Prices. ALSO Balance of 54-Inch Coats for Street Motoring or Dress Wear 1 Consisting of Shantung. Blue Serge, White Serge with black stripe, mixed and plain Coverts At 4 Off 40-Inch Black Broadcloth and Covert Coats Originally sold from $25.00 to $32.50, at Clearance of Linen Suits $29.50 to $39.50 values $19.50 $15.00 to $19.50 values $10.00 All 3-Piece Linen Suits Vz Off Beautiful Dresses at Clean-Up Prices We hsr divided into two lots all our hand- otne Rajah Shantung, Crepm dm Meteor, Msssalinm and Foulard Orestes, which include the newett models, effectively trimmed just the kind of a drew for dinner gown at seaside or mountain resort, i A 22.50, formerly sold to $75.00. At $13.75, formerly sold to $45.00. Dainty Lingerie Dresses, I embroidery trimmed.

A $5. 00, value, to 1 3.50. At SI 6.50, values to $26.50. UTS IS the day eclcbrata a Indpn5rica Day." tn mamory of July 4. 10.

eolontaa vara daclarad fra and tndapand-ant and abaolved from all alla- tianca to Croat Britain. For a century tha logaa waa: "Blow tha trumpet, beat tha drum. Independence Pay baa cow!" Tha independeat boy baa alao arrirad with Urea Unea of lira cratkera and other aar-DlltUnaT derlcaa. calculated to make tha nervoue patriot re ret that hla ancestor did not pay that tax on ta and permit them- aalvea to be mlarepreaenled In Parliament to tha and of time, and eo prevent ail thle ea- ploalTa patrlotlam. Frealdent Taft waa due to arrlTa in Bev erly to-day or poaalbly yesterday.

Ha becsed the Beverly people to epare mm -1 1. and of his Inter, atiaa -u' and will be entertained aboard the Sl- vt. Wltberbee'e houseboat, on Las ti.rouehout the celebration. by their eone. Lawrence and Albert, will spend the eummer motoring In England.

Lawrence Is now with the Roosevelt house party at Oyster Bay. and expects to return hems after tne w. -t Mra Robert Anderson and chil dren' left on Thursday for Harbor Beach. where they have a couage. Lars Anderson will Join ine.u Ehe finds her beautiful Hill and Hollow too fascinating to deeert It earlier tor laaes and beaches, Mr.

Anderson and Mra. Rob ert Anderson have Just reiurpeu Pittsburg, where they went to attend the graduating exercises of Miss Harriet Ellla. Mra. Rotert Anderson's sister. She took the three-years' course In two years at the Carnegie School of Domestic Science.

The school building cost ana dowment Is ample. Miss 1.111a waa graau-ated with honor and Uie Ivy orator at com mencement. TV Harvard-Yale races last week at New London attracted many Clnclnnatlana to that most fascinating oia Bound. Senator Thorns Hiitr speni m. aek there and at New Haven, where hla class held ita olath reunion.

He sailed yesterday on the Kalserln Augusta Victoria for a summer la Europe He goes direct to Parla. Me rtaker and Miss Gladys Baker will divide the summer holiday season between New Tork and Red Oak. Vernon vUle. Wentworth Baker, wno naa ju.i finished at one of the great Eaatern she la expected to win a rew oiue noouue this season In Eastern waiei-a. stanch Uttla yacht jiswueuw whoa name waa material no end of jokea.

baa had tha wind taken out of her sails by tha Whirlwind. Mr. end Mra T. F. Dlnamore and their youngstera-Joa.

James and Campbell made the aiacatnao journey Tbey bad eoasmlted tba rsnssrv and knew better than to travel In tba -dark of the moon" and had a gionous sau scru-. tba Great Lakes. Rev. Lyman Beecher. who dispensed a cheerrni ortnoooxy nerv mane eaara.

SM wnoea wu waa mm BMn aa hla famous Kinsman nenrr mra Reeeher-s. need to say there waa one oso thing about veltlng- tha Great Lakes you n't bring them noma wiin con stantly refers tn his letters to bis joy in these Inland aeaa. placed In Just tha right spot for tha Middle West to make up to na for tha absence I tne ocean. Vr. and Mrs.

William Collins (Lucy Raw- son), after a tour ot the lakes ana a tew days at Mackinac, are now enjoying the Canadian Rockies, and will explore tha Yellowstone country before meir noney-mooo wanes. Mr." and Mra. James L. Gates (Natalie Pocue) have returned from tbelr honeymoon, and will apend the summer at tha beautiful Henry Pogue on Park avenue. Mra, Pog-ue Mod her unmarried daughters will go to their cottage at Lakewood.

S. Y-. and tba bride will manage the establishment and make things pleasant for ber lord and master and her brothers and their frteode. Tha third floor of the Pogue residence) la fitted up tor the -bora" with most of the luxuries of a flrst-claaa club and a branch library. The big windows on every side corn ma ad dellghteul views of tree-shaded lawns and porkllke vistas.

jfra. W. W. Seeiy haa opened her beautiful place. Hillcrest, at Bar Harbor.

Mr. A. Howard Hlnkle and Miss Marie Hlnk'la are oieasantly established at Don- uia awaltlns the return of Mrs. Hlnkle from Carlsbad. Mlaa Maria la a very capable young bouaekeeper.

and aa manager of tha Htnkles Bar Harbor establishment baa taken the blue ribbon several times, Mra. J. J. Emery, widow of one of Cindn- naU'a millionaires, with ber charming young family, at Bar Har Harbor, xna a.raery place, tha Turreta." Is ona of tha snow places at Mt. Deeert.

Mra. W. Keaiee Brhoeof and her son and caughter are very p'essantiy established at aiarblehead. where the summer season naa opened brilliantly. The Schoenfs are at the Rock Mere fir tha season.

Their friends, the Randall Morgans, of Phr.ade'.rn'. ar at tie I.oc. re. Tie "la-ts concert at tha Corinthian Taebt riub will be held an tha nJant or The Eastern Taeht Club bean Ha concerts on July 1. These concerts are so cial rendeavoua for tba cottaca people.

A number' of dlaUnarilshed musical peo ple were enjoying- a little sinner at me i-Mitchell Club on Wednesday evening. Anion- them were Mr. and Mrs. Kenton i Mre Rallle Shafer. Mr.

and Mra. a. Lenrtm. Mr. and Mra.

Bush rod Foley. That there waa rauela after dinner was Inevitable, and that It waa good is a foregone conclusion. Vice President Sherman baa leased tha Thurman cottage at Ke-Ah-Ta-Wanta. on Grand Traverse Bay. Michigan, and with Mra.

Fherman will go there to apend tha greater part of tha summer just aa aooa aa Cong ex closes. Miss "Anne Henry and Mlaa Martha Bur-tnn will be the auesta of Mr. and Mra. Wll- what called, a -demonstration. nj iucj i n.

are going to numor- mm. 1 kiam Ana dlji umm i. ui.m mnt fltrlnaa nanus ana apeecii i i- h. mmL are Bylng rrom every i V. lr KxMUUTfl.

i iii.r iCxaeuuve. it hours' run from Washington to Beverly, and It understood that the President and his family will motor ooara iron- ITot. and Mra. More will accompany Resident and Mrs. Talt.

The Uurgesa Point es- Ident and Mrs. i ai- 1" Mr. and Mrs. George Euetla have taken cottage at Basa Rocka. Maes.

ty I brooke. of Washington. D. wno is tata la In the full tide "Bm" guest of alia. Eleanor Grant- That It Tha new pier la BnUhed.

and great success goea wltitout aa1n. ik.1 BirtDB. the Presidents yachU a kA.i... MJ. wno i.

charmina; bdxtesa. which will be anchored oft" Beverly during tha summer, will lake en and to tha Pr Ident a summer uome. utlve onVvs will Mr. and Mra. W.

Hanson are spending the summer at the Altamont. and on Wednesday last Mra. iisasonave a trolley party to V. Mitchell In honor of Miss Hol- waa for Mrs. Hanson la a Ices were served en route and boxi of candy with a -fortune- In each, The climb up to Ft.

Mitchell It la higher than Ft. Thomas bv m. few feet was iw cr Uuoa Bulllinf. on usem 7 i. bv ruadslde flowers and of Trade baa given three rooms r.

sbrubs. and atretcbea of Kentucky Prvldenta um. and rour" ZTvr highlands ara on all sldea. The clubuouae taken, and the telegraph very pleassnt and the golf links, atretch- their oRlcea etapii.ira ready for Very completed Mil Uy at the -Lake Cbamplaln tercenteu-ry MM wor. wnU- broidered gown and a great corssge cluster They have accepted the o( pink flowers Mis.

Sara Ernst was WlLherbee, son of Walter C. lremely pretty in a pink gown and wore Port Henry, rw-urer of the New York i Tercentenary Commission, i of Tercentenary Comm Marguerite Shipley wore a roey gown pink embroidered linen. Jaiss iwwr-Tbonu, of Parla, France, who la. with her father, enendln the season at the Alta mont. wore a lovely white goan and a cor- monu wore a tu.ti, i Robert Taft.

the rresioeni i at tnsles and shaded sweet mate of Sllaa Wltherbee at Yale, wm Gre i BouUlller. tn pale sccompenled by hi. atoter a ph-beaket hat, and Taft. Other young people In the party jj. Colter.

In a lovely white indud. Mia. LouU. Tsft, "t' HnTerU.wn. were among tha young ma-end Howard Taft.

children of Mr. and Mra the of Henry W. Taft. he evening waa delightful and waa fol.oed Mra. Wltherbee.

wue n. H1. altamont. and afterward aloner. will be chaperon.

I Kinoer Sonata" waa Improvised on river terrace. Other guest a were Mr. Mr. and Mra, A. J.

Redway. accompanied nd MrL Bloomer. Mra. James B. Dan- tels.

Mrs. R. N. Archer. Mrs.

JOlm aiur-phy. Mra. Isaacaon. Mra. Devereux and Mr.

I hark a Mllla. There was a very gay Uttle dinner dance at The Ktpplee on Tuesday, when Anna Louise Irwin was giving a sprrmo ir b.e rum. Miss Elisabeth Smith, of Chilli- coihe. the lovely young dsagnuer of Mr. aad Mrs- Geoe Smith.

Dinner waa servea.on, the broad porches, and a delicious bretse was wafted up the river and made tha night perfect. There waa a small moon, but she waa of no match for featoona of Chinese lanterns. The guesta were Misses EUaabetn Smith. Alexlna Ferguaon. Elolse Mary Miller Ruth WUby.

Gertrude Ayrts. Helen Greene, Messra Orlatid Greene, Van Voeaen. Lawsun Reed, M. Buchwalter. Keu-ben Crane.

Brent Arnold. and Urr Sllngluff Mra. Frlta Nave leavea to-day for a cottage she will share with her alster. Mra. Louise Addy Kinney, who leavea later.

The cottage Is at Eaatern Beach, not, very far from Nwport. R. I. Mra. Johnson and Misa Mary Scarborough Johnson will accompany the Vachel Andersons to Cobourg.

Canada, where they have a glorioua place. Mra. Vachel Anderaon'a grandfather. George K. Shoenberger.

aaa one of the foundera of thla line old town aa a summer resort. Her General Flishugh, also baa a flne place there. There will be great doings at Cryatal Ik to-morrow, for Mlsa Sarah naratorr schools, will spend July with his m.t. with the assists nee of Mr. and Mra.

roommate, a son oi n. n. 1 cnui, VMttenil country nlace. I ini. niraie at tha Ernst bungalow.

The Koia. at Brewster. In tha Berasnirea. Me and Mra. Max Flelechmann went up to New London for the boat races and were quartered at the Grtswoia.

iise feme siur-doek. of Avondale. waa tbelr gueat for tha week. Mr. And Mra.

Jullua Flelschmann and their handsome boys enjoyed the sport on the Thames. No prettier sight can be seen la thla country than the yaie ana mr. crews striving- for the mastery on that per fect stretch of river between Kea lop ana the goal. Tba Flelschmann have a new motor boat thla year, the Whirlwind, and win an down bv soeclal train Mon day morning at All the sports suited to. land or water on the great and aver glorious Fourth will oa ready for the gueata.

The Cincinnati Chapter. D. A. R-. Is Invited to attend a patriotic service at the Church of Our Saviour, Holllster street, lit Auburn, this (Sunday) morning.

July 4, at 11 o'clock. Tha rector. Rev. Edmund A. Neville, will deliver a sermon on Patriot-tain.

and a special musical program will be rendered. Beats for tha members of the chapter will be reserved. A very Interesting Interlude In the musical service will ha tha slnglrg by Mlsa Helen Hlnkle of a new setting of Klpllng-a which has been composed especially for her by Mr. Sidney Durat. Miss Hlnkle will doubtless repeat an this occasion tha great succeaa which attended ber singing of the song cycle, "Mary," written tor mr oy BUsa.

4 Tha R. A. Koehler place. Elmhurst Park. East Walnut Hills, waa last week the scene of an extremely pretty dinner, at treea hung hundreds or glowing tnineav lanterns.

The terreee slope to the river, which sweeps on below, and tha stone facade of the house waa outlined In glowing colors. The band of negro minstrels struck ap a cborua of welcome, a kind of variation of "Hall to tha Chief." only "thla waa a "Han to the gueata In triumph advanc-Inr." snd their exclamations of delight and surprise made a merry chorus. The guests were Mlaare Abble Icgalla Barnard. Louise Kohlaaat. Helen Greene.

Mary Miller. Polly Foster. Alexlna Ferguson. Mary Scarborough Johnson. Edith Egan, Bailie Colston.

Messrs. Frsncia Harrison. Jamee Holmes. Lawsoa Baed. Erwla Boeworth.

Frits Forchbelmer. Jamee Coomb. John Holllster and Howard Holllster. Mra Hartwell Cabell (Louise Oroesbeek). of New Tort, la tha gueat of Mr.

and Mrs. Telford roes beck at Elmhurst, and will remain for 10 days. Mr. married Milton TOOtMs, or bi, Joe. wno famine naautv 1 in Duckworth, only daughter of the lata George K.

Duckworth, haa for a dosen years had a summer home at Mackinac. It la half bidden among- the pine treea. but near enough for the music from tba hotel to float up on tha breese. It la an Ideal spot. I Mr.

and Mrs. Glen roes berk and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kxlppandorf are enjoying a delightful week's fishing In the Georgian Bay country. After a delightful tour of the Great Lakes then a few dare at Mackinac, tha "fairy lale" that lifts itself out of the sapphire waters of the lake like an enchanted Island, but every stone of It la historic, and four nations foucht for Its possession for a hundred years.

It has re-neaed Interest Just row. for It la associated wita the memory cf feat Axiensaa, Edward Everett Hale. He wrote one of hla cleverest stories, -The Man Without a Country." at one of tha hotels there. They ahow with his table, tha big square inkstand tha great fireplace before which be paced (the nights are keen at Mackinac, even In summer) pausing to punch the back log aa the story took anapa in hla wonderful 'brain. Miss Mary F.

B. daughter of John Clatham, wag married It 11 o'clock last Tueaday morning at St. Slmcoe's Church, to Rev. Jamee Cos bey. assistant reotor of tba Church of the Epiphany Walnut Hlllla.

Cincinnati. Rev. Edward Crosbey. of St. Mark Church.

New York City, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Walter Pugh and Rev. Edgar Cope. Tha maid of honor was Mlaa Blanche Thompson, and tha bridesmaids were Miss Marian Hathersall and Mlaa Edith Glenn. Cecil Mellor waa tha best man.

A wedding breakfast followed at the residence of the bride's pe. rents. No. 24S0 North Marshall street. The newly wedded couple will spend their honeymoon In England, return- lng September 12 to Cincinnati, where they will make their home.

Judge and Mra. MllUer OutcaH and Mies Outcalt were among too enthusiasts at New London last week for tha college boat races. Mr. and Mra. Casper Henry Burton and their son Caspar Henry.

will apend the summer in Ens: land. They will first go to Oxford to visit Rev. Spence. Burton, who Is studying there. Young- Burton.

Chaa. Kleha and Langdon Forchheiraer were three Cincinnati men who took their A. at Harvard last Wednesday. Mrs. Judson Saga and ber daughters have gone to Grant'a Bend, a picturesque point on the Ohio, where they have a bungalow.

Mr. John Sa-e will in tbem later. Mr. and Mra. Charles WIlby and the Misses Catherine, Louise and Eleanor have gone to Blddeford Pool, Maine, where they have a cottage.

Mrs. John Flaeh. of Oak street, will Join her sister. Mrs. Edward Colston, lata tola month at Marienbad.

Mr. and Mra. Tllghmsp' Pickering are at Atlantic City, and will eoon KO on to Governors Lland vllt Captain Beckuna. 8. and Beckurta (Label Pickering), who.

are stationed at thJa most desirable post. Mra. Mllo G. Dodds," who has recently returned from Europe, haa taken the Pickering apartment In te Clermont for ihe valley. Mlaa) Bacba.

maid of honor, was to plnk-cblffon over pink satin, and ana camou large -shower" of pink aweet peaa. Mr. Stanley Strauss waa 'best man, and the other groomsmen were Mesare. Julian Schwab. Ludwlg Btrlker.

Airreo Louis Merka and Ben KauSman. Tha bride a mother wore an crepe meteor ana ainnooa cii reception louowea tne ceremony inelaborate wedding feast was served. The honeymoon will be spent on tha great lakes and In Canada. 1 Mlsa xnra Smith and Mlaa Mary Smith will make a utie tour or nova, owue their summer outing. Me ejtd Mrs.

August Weasel have Joined tha Harbor Point colony for tha summer. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Weasel and Homer, ara at their cottars at East Hampton, Mra. WaJker C.

Hall has gone to tha Vir ginia Springs to apend tne eummer. Mra. James Arnold, who has been spend ing a month with her slater, sirs, unci, City, returned noma yeawroay. Mra. Annabel Fearce.

of Mr, Auburn, goes to MaysvUle. this week, one ma a pilgrimage to tha home of her childhood each year. Mr. Stewart Shllllto and his daughters left several daye ago for their beautiful summer home at Elberon, N. Mr.

and Mra. Ben Dale, of VernonvUle, will spend a large part of tha summer at Wequetonsing. Mra. Bldnev Arthur has for guests Mra. E.

Willis Wilson, widow of the late Governor Wilson, and Mlaa Ash ton Wilson, of Charleston. W. Va. Mrs. Wilson holds a high social position, not only -on account of her ancestry she is In a direct Una a descendant of Washington but her graces of mind and manners.

Tha following handsomely engraved card has been sent out: Helen Bay-less Lansdowne announces the marriage of her daughter, Rosa, to Mr. Julian Fred Baucbelle on Tueaday. the twenty-ninth of June In tha City of Coving-ton. Kentucky." Mr. and Mra.

Charles Gaff Howe, of Aurora. made a brief vislt to Mra. Howe's father, Mr. Walter Cleary, en route to their cottage at Wequetonsing, Mich. WW La at Monday Mlaa Elisabeth Brown, of Covington, gave a delightful whist party in compliment to her guest.

Mlaa Louise Wilson, of Lexington. Ky. Mr. Claude Johnson and tha guest of honor bore off the trophiey. Mr.

and Mra. William G. Walker, of Wallace Place; Dr. and Mra. James Carrick and daughters Anne Pierce and Mrs.

John, Pierce, of Lexington, will spend the month of July at Glen Springs, Ky. Mrs. Wlll'am Bo Us, of Newport, will Join a party of friends at Glen Springs' thla month. summer, at ss ueien w. Mr.

and Mrs. Kuper Hood, of Atlanta, de'lghtrul motnr tour ot tne mi. form.rKr ot Covlnrton. made a brief Green Mountains, snd will be away. jvllt wlth Mr.

nd Mr8. ijfwU Hood, en month or more. I route to New Tork City to visit Mra. Hood's mother. Mrs.

Hubbard, and slater, Rt, Rev. Bryd Vincent has Just returned Mr Hlldenbrandt, frora Chicago, where he waa attending an. Important meeting of the Foreign Mission-1 Mnl TModnr. Kirk, bf Covington, has ary nosra at me Aua.ionum Issued Invitations for bridge whist July 7. Vincent and h' alst-r, Mra.

Stiong Vln- r.f.rtnln her auesta at cent, lesve this week for Digby. Nova nun Scotia, where the Bishop flnda the climate most Invigorating. Dlgby- is not rar rrom Tadousac, the residence of Bishop Jaggar. Mrs. Charlea Mendenhall and Mlaa Elisabeth will spend the summer at Neahto-wanto.

Judge and Mrs. Rufus B. Smith and family will not leave for Basa Rocks until August 1. Mr. and Mra.

George Eustls and baby Eustls have also taken a cottage there. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Cramp, of Philadelphia (a dauhter of Mr.

and Mrs. Morris White): Mrs. Vaux. their grand- Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Perkins, of Covington, after travels of several months abroad, are welcomed home. A pleaaant party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. James Rust. Mr.

and Mra. William Hind. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Shay, is soon to go to Asbury Park for a season of pleasure.

The annual Fourth of July celebration at Ft, Mitchell Country Club -will take place to-morrow. Several, picnic, parties ara arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boil ers and Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Colville will daughter and Mr. Vaux sailed for Europe chaperons Misses Verner Curry. Mary last week. To-morrow at the Freeh Air Farm, Terrace Park, there will be a merry celebration of the Fourth.

There are at present 285 children and a few delicate mothers at the farm. The Improvement In their condition day by day. hour by hour, ona may safely say la moat encouraging. Fresh air, good food and romping under the trees on the green turf la the very breath of life to these little town sparrows. To-morrow they will all be patriots.

Ona of the Board of Managers. Mra Clara L. Street, has vent out a litis American Bag for every child, and Tony Farrel. the organ grinder, la going out with Is hurdy-gurdy to play all day for them. Thla la Mlas Rebecca.

Scarborough contribution to tha general oy of the Fourth at the farm. It Is hoped that many friends of this beautiful benevolence will go out to-morrow to see tha good work going on. The many friends of "Fresh Air" are reminded not to forget the farm while away on their vacations. There are many hundred hungry little mouths to be fed throuh the lona. hot aummer.

Mlsa Bally Wright gave a charming bridge certy on Wednesday in honor of Mlas Barnes, of Philadelphia, who la visiting her, The winners of ths trophies were Misses Barnes. Louisa Ay res. Gertrude Ayrea and Betsy Peters. Those enjoying tha afternoon gallant old Confederate who la entirely dependent upon charity. Mr.

and Ben Dale and family win Join the aummer colony at Wequetonsing. Clifford Wood row and eon are at Wequetonalng. Mr. Wood row went up Friday night for the week end. Judge and Mra.

Hackney are delightfully established at their new home In Dexter place. Mra. Nicholas Walsh and her Jolly Uttla brootf of young Walshes have a suit of half a dosen rooms at the new Monmouth. Spring Lake, N. J.

Mra. Charlea F. Houston's bridge party In honor of ber sister-in-Law, Mra George Houston, wsa a very pretty affair last week. Mrs. Houston Is a cousin of Mrs.

Alexander Thomson (Mary Moore Dabney) and haa recently come to Mt. Auburn. The trophiea were very pretty and were won by Miss Frances Forchbelmer. Mrs. J.

Gal lagher and Alex. Thomson. Among tha gueata wera Mra. Dabney. Mrs.

Alex. Thomson. Mrs. Albert Morrill. Mra.

J. Gallagher. Mra. Hoffman. Mra.

Thornton. Mrs. Buckingham, Mra. Wilson, Frau Dr. Lettenbauer.

Mra. Harris Hancock. Mlsa Frances Forchbelmer and Mlaa Marguerite Dlekeon. Mra. Price, of Charleston.

W. Mrs. Houston's mother, haa spent several months at the Auburn Hotel and will go East with Mr. and. Mra.

Houston for the aummer. Mr. and Mrs. W. O.

Woodmansee have returned to the Burnet after a delightful visit at Atlantic City. There waa a handsome weddlne; at tha Slnton Tuesday night when Miss Madeleine Bohm. of Beading road, waa nnlted tn marriage to Mr. Ben D. Saeha.

Dr. Louis Grossman performed the ceremony. Mra. William Schroder beautifully sang tha brt. dal chorua from Tohenrrtn." and later she sang "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee." The groom's cousin.

Miss Amy Bacha, daughter of Mr. and 'Mra. 8. B. Sachs, was the mail cf honor.

The brlde'e gown was a handsorre wtlte aatln gown tri-imed Puctesin lata, a.l carrlel 1 scl Coombs. Effle and Margaret jamea, jm and Virginia Martin. -Edith Walters, Messrs. Hlggtna. Wood.

Thompson, Robertson. Karper. Lovell and" Eaton. A luncheon cartv will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mra.

da Valcourt Carroll. Misa Lucy Blackburn, of Covington, left Saturday -for Niagara Falla. She will be Joined there by Mlaa Kate Wheelock, and they will be the gueata of Mra. Charlea 1- Taylor. of Pittsburg-, Penn.

The National Whist Congress meets there this coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Evana, of Covington, are having a most enjoyable season at Atlantie City. Letters received from Mr.

and Mra. R. T. Sadler, nee Thompson, ara dated Alex andrla Tha young couple have- been tourina: In Canada and naving a moat lovable season. Mr.

and Mrs. James Thompson, of Covington, win tour In their auto through Central Kentucky, starting at an early date. The marriage of Mlsa Mary Louise, daughter of Mrs, George Goddard Cren-ahaw. of Dayton, Ky and Mr. Robert Roa-eoe McMurtry waa solemnised last Tues day at the First Baptist Church, which was were lira.

Jamas Morrison. Mrs. George, founded by the great-grandparenta of the Haydock. Mra. Truiton Emerson.

Mra. bride. The decorations were stately palms. Mark Brown. Mra.

George Simpson. Miasea Katharine Wilby. Caneal Matthews. Grey, Marjory Rawson, Mary Louise Burton. Elisabeth Mendenhall.

Betsy peters. Louisa Ayres and Gertrude Ayrea Mrs. Macavoy. the young boateaa's sister, assisted In Mrs. P.

Hasen gave a very pretty garden party on Thursday for the younger set and a number of lolly Dayton girls who are w. The eoiia neonia nresent. Louisville: Frank Ellington, ot Cincinnati, were Sara Houk. Mariana Tarbott of Day ton. Corinne La arson.

Frances Perin, Helena Oraydon. Margaret Smith. Roberta Dohr mann. Mary and Harrietts Kemper, Emily Powell. Emma and Edith Eaton.

Georgia and Virginia Bell. Adele Campbell. Marjory Langdon. Jane and Fred Glover. Elsie and Nelson Talbott of Dayton.

Bob and Katharine Houk and Josephine and Dickey Grave of Dayton. Mrs. Evana. at tha Locke farm, near Ft. Thomas, waa ths hostess of the Stonewall Jackson Chapter, IT.

D. C. and many of their friends on Tueaday laat. The diversion was bridge arid euchre, and handsome refreshments were served. The amount realised exceeded all expectations, and encour- tha aoeletv to hold another meeting- In which Mr Julrus Koehler.

who is a eopn-1 July at the residence of Mra. Annabel mea at Cornell, was tha host. Tha guests pearce, Mt. Auburn. Tha proceeds from both wera a few of net aeaeou a ouas.

i.u three of thla yeafe bailee and the proper allowance of college boys. Dinner waa served In the spacious am ng-rwra far tha affair waa Ilka tne usual in well-ordered establUhmenU until tha guests were Invited to the terrace for coffee. Then tn tne twinaimg all-waa changed, for tha scene waa liae ratrviand. All the shrubs glowed with half concealed electric lights and from tha great I meet Inn will be devoted to the care of a contrasting with field dalsl- arrival of the bridal party came foi-lard. cousin of the bride, sang the All For You" and "Because I Love." anl a grand aria from "Samson and Delilah." 4Tha organist, Mra.

Pierce Johnson," of Covington, la a special friend of the bride. At the first notes of "Lohengrin" the ushers defined the bridal pathway. The procession waa lad bv Mr. Theodore Walker, cousin of the bride, and Messrs. Scott Williams, of ana narry oiegner, iuuowou Wslksr, of Covington, and Mlas Dorothy Barrett.

They were gowned with similarity In white moussellne. garniture Valenelennea lace and carried white camatlona. The lit tle flower aj'rl. niece of the bride, miiw Louise Crenshaw, wore a whlta embroidered frock. The maid of honor, the bride's eoualn.

Mlsa Bees oilmen, a atunning blond, wore an elegant embroidered chiffon gown, sea foam In tone and style a is urec She preceded the bride and her brother. Mr. Harry Crenshaw. The pastor. Rev.

Mr. Tolle. groom and beat man awaited the bridal party at tha altar. The bride Is tall, has a flne carriage and was decidedly handsome In an embroidered white satin gown, en tratne; garniture old family lace, points Her veil waa fastened with a wreath of amllax. Her jewels was a brooch, sapphires and pear la, a gift of the groom.

She wore ber mother's superb necklace cf pearls, a bridal gift from ber brother, the lata Samuel Walker, a farmer resident of Covington. The brtde'a mother wore blark crepe de china and lace; ber aunt. Mrs. S. W.

8 pitman, black net over el Ik, wltha wealth of rich real lace. Mra. N. Walker wore exceedingly elegant embroidered chiffon and lace; Mra. Oscar Barrett, changeable Bilk, veiled tn rich black la re, diamond ornaments; Mra Lewlg Hord.

Mexico. black lace over silk; Mra. Harry pitman, a very stylish white lace rotoe; Mra. Co Hard, del blue aatln and lace; Mrs. William O.

Walker, of Covington, a whlta embroidered lingerie; M'ss Sue Spllman. cousin of the bride, a lovely blue meaaallne; garniture Una old lace. A recaption waa bald at the borne of the bride's mother. Mra. Llewellyn Matthews, of Covington, and daughter.

Mlaa Li da. after a visit of several weeks at the delightful borne of Mr. and Mra. Matthews, of Springfield, Ohio, are welcomed noma. Mrs.

George Archibald and daughter. Mlaa Agues, left last Monday for her summer cottage at Roaring Brook. Mich, accompanied by Mra. Stanley Archibald, whose family la already located at their handsome summer home at tha same point, Mrs. W.

W. Trimble, of Covington, on the eve of her departure East received a telegram of the death of her son-in-law, Mr. George Fackler, of New Tork City. Mrs. Trimble and grandson, Aabrey High-ton, left at once.

Mrs. Josephine Woodward, of Mt. Auburn, left tha paat week for a tour abroad. A', the classic piano recital of the Way. man School laat Friday evening the pupils who had taken part during the week pre-senied Mlsa Adele Wayman.wlth a handsome silver tea service.

Rev. Dr. Blackburn made the presentation speech. Mra. Charles Boyd and eon Calvert, of Covington, have Joined Mra.

Boyd's brother. Mr. KLnsey. and family, of Cincinnati, la the mountains of North. Carolina.

Established 1890. JeDy Oesiirainidie Sale OF ALL REMAINING SpriiSjBf SipiBier Stock STARTS TUESDAY, 9 A. M. Misses' and Junior Tailored Cloth Suits. $12.50 and $18.50 Were $25.00 to $50.00.

Lingerie and ITet Dresses. $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Were $20.00 to $60.00,, Linen Tador-Made Suits and Dresses, $12.50 and $15.00 Were $15.00 to $35.00. Lingerie and Linen Waists. See those at $1.50 and $2.00 Ladies and Misses' Tailored Cloth Suits. $18.60 and $25.00 Were $30.60 to $75.00.

Pongee, Shantung and Rajah Suits. and $35.00 Were $50.00 to $100.00. 'j Pongee, Linen and Rajah Coats. $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 Were $18.00 to $35.00. Lingerie Waistav-Drop Numbers and Samples .33 off i 30 and 32 East Fourth St.

HOT WEATHER BARGAINS Telephone Canal 015. We will calL Monday, Tuesday, Yedneiday. Fona-ee Coats and Dusters cleaned, re a. .00 to Ladies Ltnen Suits cleaned. all kinds, res.

16.00........ Llng-erie and Organdie Gown a cleaned, reg. 13.60 to 16.00. Corsets cleaned. reg.

11.00 Any Waist cleaned, regr- $2.00 to 14.00 touring with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of College Mm, unit car through Central Kentucky. Mra. James C.

Ernst, or re-elected Secretary of the Woroan'a Club. aummer at Bass jara i i i. Rock, on the north ahore. near Boston. On Wednesday Mrs.

Walter Herschede gave a little informal card party in honor of Mrs. J. Kendall Wallace (Gertrude Voss). of Washington, and Mra Tom Doha (Marie Voss), of Springfield. The trophies were carried off by Mrs.

Leo J. Van Lahr and Mrs. C. C. Bennett, The.

other guests were Mrs. Ed Heracneae, jars. Steven Gartick. Mrs. Hellker; Mra.

Will Harris. Mra. Louis Voss. Mrs. J.

8. Voss and Mrs. L. Mosner. At a dinner at the Ft.Mitchell Country Club Thursday night those present were Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Dohrmann. Mr. and Mrs. Este Lea, Miss Mattie Burton.

and Mrs. Victor Price. Mrs. William Lodge will leave to-morrow for her cottage at Wequetonsing. to Join her daughter, Mrs.

Louis Weber, and her young- son. who have been there orthe past week. Miss Mvrtle Helen Noltlng, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Charles A.

Nolting, of Clifton Heights, was married Tuesday night to Mr. Charles F. Siehl. son of Mr. and Mrs.

Otto P. Stent, of Ohio avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Bafron. Mr.

and Mrs. Charlea Braunatein will spend a month touring through: British Columbia, Alaska and Kootenai Lakee. Mlsa Emma Heckle left Friday for Far Rockaway. to spend two months with Mr. and Mrs.

Hubert Clllla. She will later visit in New York and on the Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. R.

H. Lengdale. of the Alexandra, are enjoying a visit from their son. Dr. Rupert Langdale.

who Is home from Rangoon. India. He la being much feted by hla old friende here, after hla sojourn of seven years in India. He was graduated from a dental college here, and two weeks later sailed for India, and practiced there successfully for many yeara-j will alad visit hla brother. Rev.

L. G. Langdale, in Boston. ---s- Mr. and Mrs.

William Foy, of Hyde Park, leave to-morrow for an extended trip through Yellowstone Park and the Northwest. The picturesque Foy bungalow at Ryland. will be occupied by Mr. and nr.bM uwvhai, and their hand- some eon. William Foy Herschede.

Dr. Stephen E. Cone, of West Seventh v. m.veiMt Wednesday imei, in, at Portsmouth. Ohio, to Misa Grace Cotton, Several Clnclnnauans anenaeu ma ww wnhert Hoses, of Clifton: Dr.

Asa Isham, an uncle of the groom: Miss Alice A. Folger. Dr. H. Falla and oth ers.

The wedding of Mr. Joseph Burdo, teacher of music In the Cincinnati public schools, and Mlaa May Shepard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.

L. Shepard. ot Cypress street. Walnut Hllla, was solemnised Wednesday night at the home of the bride's parents. The wedding trip will Include Yellowstone park, a visit to the Seattle Exposition, Los Angeles, the Grand Canyon of Arlsona.

and a trip to Montreal. After October 1 Mr. and Mrs. Surdo will reside on Edwards road, Hyde Park. Mr.

and Mra. Charles Benedict, nee Dy-mond, have Just moved to St. James ave-noa. Walnut Hllla. On Wednesday Rev.

Frederick L. Fagley. pastor of the- M. E. Church of Oberlln, Ohio, and Mlsa Hortenee Martin were marled at tha bride's home, Moore's Hill.

Ind. Her. Mr. Fagley, who la now at the Theological Seminary of Ober lln University, waa a student at the Unl varsity of Cincinnati. The bride la the daughter of Dr.

John W. Martin, who was ror several years president of Moore's Hill College, She la a very clever young woman and haa been the professor of mathematics at Moore's Hill College for several years. Her brother. Earl Martin, to aa editor In Cleveland. Mrs Duke Bates, of Austin, and Mra.

E. A. Luctua. of Snglewood. 111., are the guests of their sister.

Mra. R. H. West at tha aummer' cottage of the Wests at uTBtai iau, ctyiand. teoraw Watt and mritm, isvrx street, have returned from a pleaaant wim ma Buner, jars, alary A.

Ritchie, at Roecoe, EL One of the Dleaeant week waa the lawn fete given at the White uneervatory avenue, by three little elrla vi.i.- numr. Juice Dooley and Marguerite White. Mlsa Genevieve Cogan and Mr. Otto Pockskamp were married Wednesday morning at St. Edward'g Church.

T.rv John Murray, rector of the church, of! flclat'nir. The wedding waa one cf tef th ifuon. Albert Par' 1 tieat-r 1 1 Bit Any Separata BKlrt cleaned. 14.00 $1.50 $1.50 5Cc 85c Ladles' Coat 8uita cleaned. reg.

$400 Gents' Flannel Tmueera cleaned, reg. $1.00 Gents- Flannel Suits cleaned. rear. $1.60 Gents' Vesta cleaned. reg.

i Private Ezehaaae To All Braaeaea. 8Se! 50c $1.25 20c America's Standard Cleaner and Pret. Main Olflce: 623 Vine (Enquirer Bid" aO Branches: 710 Race and 973 McMillaa Avondale Branch and Factory: 2206-5-10 Rcadinfl Road. m.M honor: while the other attendi were Thomas Cogan, Thomaa LoKn. Jod J.

O'Dowd and Aagle O'Dowd. Tn. or 1. a.rianrhter of E. F.

Coaan. of Mt) La r.i atreer Follo-lna an elaborate weH breakfast, tha couple departed for ti tensive honeymoon trip through tne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schunke. of We! Aln anrlrla.

Ohio, are visiting their naiicre Mra Samuel Becker, at 233o Ashland nue, Walnut Hills On Saturday. June Miss Grets S.iaJ jt If frn A V. Stark. 3 Oakley avenue. Hyde Park, went to WM now air a wsiirrti lu nil, HelsseL son ot Mr.

and Mra v. Michigan avenue. Hyde park. Dn.ali. irieinhaur c' St.

Louis, who is her guet. Miss Flor5 irrohman entertained Willi a party Thursday evening. The gufftn Misses Elsa Einstein. Dora Brown. Ilnrf--1 Btraun.

Corinne Loewensteln, weairfe r--Edlth Shott, Mabel Philips. Edith Iwu'K-and Messrs. Lawrence Mayer, Alvln IW fua. Milton Klein. Louis Newburs-, Isaacs.

Harold Loeh. Arthur Bonr." Nate Robert Stern. Dave Freldman and Lawrence Fox. Mr. and Mrs.

Dan W. McCarthy. inn and their three sons, left .1 1- nn r-h. ntaunua I. all cnauiauqua, men iuiia-.

York, to be gone uni a until September. I bmaZ of jnuH ij. nn June 26 from 1 for a three months' trip abroad. The ir.arrlaa-e of Mr, Albert B. Bellome, and Mlsa Bert C.

1 took place at Holy Family Church day. Father Drufner offlrlnted -vr IT Ttnrvmann. brother of tne acted aa groomsman and Miss Maym man actea es n-iurauinu. i1 and Mr. Fred Von WfMM ushers.

The reception wss hfU brides home, 34ii Price avenue. lf-ar it air. j. 1. nrwu-r next week for Charlerolx.

to be gon months. rt. i.v. rd Brpvf-t) MT. J.

r. oievena, wiin j. and Mra. George Paxton DlehU snd Shnrall. left Saturday eveplns 9 Stevens's private car for a tour West including Denver, Grand Los Angeles.

Ban Francisco. ro- tle and Vancouver nfttTM fair last Saturday at the Altamont r.rAx wen? 1 JftSC ROL1 5c The best Piano-Player Mus uiio arm fhm rplebratf- Q. R. S. Prices, 25c to 95c roll only half of others.

By paying only 6c you ca- exenange your iuii -of eqtial value as often as like. Choice ot entire new. Our new plan has almost tirely displaced the old andj pensive circulating llbra.ryprj, in wnicn yuui loaned you and you do have access 'to the ne pieces. Most piano player -ov now buy their fnusic ot us our new 5c exchange Largest stock in the West to select from. ten Our Music Rolls bi standard size players.

sj asa a rtV DflLLS! iias t. Just received "rw ,4 rolls-all the new poPuU' operatic music es, a rolL Any or can be secured on our change propositjon. I jn-tC 121L4A (BetKaii' a eln-ed all P' la aa.

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