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Monterey Daily Cypress and Monterey American from Monterey, California • 3

Monterey, California
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Change Arbolado Postoffice Name PACIFIC GROVE NEWS WALTER BROOKS PASSES TO REWARD SARGENT ESTATE CASE INTERESTING Grove Fireman Injured at Drill pi ridge my HOST TO CLUBWOMEN To tho Public: The Foe toffies Department has advised ms under the date of March 10 1915 that tha name of tho poatofflca at Arbolado California baa been changed to Big Bur California with Zulema Pfeiffer poetmaeter Monterey Cal May 14 1115 CHAS NOGOLB The Grove Curio Shop Ait Goods Novelties Curios US Lifbthouss svs Pacific Grove Cal Ryan Sons PLUMBERS Stoves Ranges Paints OUa Nest to Pacific Grove Wa give Trading Stamps RESTAURANT Fine Meala all Day -Enchlladaa esrvad Saturdays and Sundays Ordsra taken for snchllldaa Special Chicken Dinner Sundays 40 CENTS Lighthouse Avs Paclfio Grove NIX WOMEN'S AND WEAR FURNISHINGS Paclfio Grove California Trading Stamps LOCAL YOUTH CROSSES DIVIDE AFTER LINGERING ILLNESS Welter Brooke aged 17 years succumbed to diabetes at 5:10 o'clock yesterday afternoon attar an illness which had lasted tor a year but which had roachad an sente stags only two days before he passed away Deceased waa' a native of Galvoi-ton Tax from which city he came to tho Monterey peninsula la January 1901 Ha attended the local convent from which ho graduated two yean ago thia xu miner Young Brooki to survived by his mother and step-father Mr and Mn IJmper of 411 Spencer street alio two brothers Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been announced hut it will probably be held tomorrow from the late residence 417 Pina Bt Phene 2211 LOOK After the foundation of your bouse NOW la the time before painting and papering MANY housea in Monterey and Pacific Grove are badly settled and in need of leveling and a new foam dstion BEE HINCKLEY 615 Contractor A House Mover They coat little our want ids they do Make Today TOOMBS Photo StwGo I Alvarado SL GRAGG FAVORS APPOINTMENT OP RECEIVER PENDING PARTITION An interesting case occupied the attention of the superior court about an hour yesterday during the calling of the calendar it wax that of a Sargent against tha other hairs of tho estate of Bradisy Sargent Sr tor a partition of tho estate The other hairs ere Sargent Mrs Gragg and Mra Katharine Sargent tha widow of Sargent Louis Oneal and James of San Joss are lawyers tor the three heirs and Frank Gould la Bargant's lawyer Testimony waa heard an both sides It developed that tha taxes on tha estate tor tho currant fiscal year hava not been paid and no ono was able to tell where the money was coming from to pay them Inquiry waa also mads as to who collected the revenues of tha estate whether they had bona all applied to reduce tho indebtedness which was shown to ba upwards of 1100000 It developed that noma of the hairs may hava collected rente that wars not so applied "on tha presumption that tho others would not object tt some remuneration for their services In attending to tha business Gragg favored the appointment of a racelver or agent of the estate pending lta partition among tha hairs oa tha theory that nona ol tha heirs eouid handle tha matter to the satisfaction of tbo rest The matter want over oa briefs to ba submitted Salinas Journal Rugs Made From Old Carpets Carpets Cleaned a Specialty Mattresses and Pillows made over Call or Phono MONTEREY RUG WORKS Phene S84 (is Webster st A Cup of Good Tea or Coffee la alwaya appreciated But where to gat itT That la tka Question Let us answer it: it hero" Wo make a specialty of fins teas and coses It isn't the price that makes them good for our prices are all low Lot ns send soma today LW FISHER MO LIGHTHOUSE ave pacific grove phone mi WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS PACIFIC GROVE PERSONAL NOTES Mr and Mrs Roy Wright Mr sad and Mrs Louis Cope and Mra Lewis returned to the Grove Tuesday evening after spending a three day's motor trip to the fair at Ban Francisco Mr Wright states tbat the road over the Ban Juan hill was exceedingly slippery and in some places dangerous owing to the recent rains Mr and Mrs Blanehard and Powell of Campbell Cal are spending a few days at tbs Grove A Dsvldscn of Montana la at present at the Dal Mar in Pacific Grave Eel Merchant liu returned home from Berkeley where ha bee been attending the etnte university A Fltxalmmoni returned on the Del Monte expreu lest evening from a business visit to Ban Juaa Mra May Buford is in Pacific Grove again after visit to Sacramento where her eon Clay wu operated upon for appendicitis He accompanied Mra Buford to Pacific Grove and la greatly Improved in Mias Kathryn Elliott who has been attending the state normal school in Ban Jose arrived In the Grove last evening for a visit of two days with her parents and friends Mrs Robertson of Morgan Hill spent yesterday In Pacific Grave Mrs Amsteln of Paclfio Grove la 111 with tonailitia Mr and Mrs Woolf of Pacific Grove returned yesterday noon from Ban Frandico Rev Lcille Burwsll of tho Pacific Grove Methodist church will leave this morning for Stanford University to attend the alumni exercises Ha will be present Monday at the commencement exerchee at the College of the Pacific in Ban Jose Mrs Lewis of Chicago la visitor in Pxcinc Orova Miss Llilic Know) ton of Marlboro to spending a few weeks with Mrs Collins at 771 Spruce street AT HOME On Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock Rev Heacork will be at home to his friends at his residence at 848 Pine avenue Pacific Grove Ax no formal Invitations ars being Issued will the trie nils who road this consider themselves welcome to call? NEW TRACK INSTALLED A force of men waa yesterday engaged In laying a naw piece of track at the corner of Lighthouse and Fountain avenues Pacific Grove The old track wu badly out of alignment and waa the bane of motormen In one place it la assarted it had sunk depth of five Inches owrm OKT ETh SURPRISE PARTY Fifteen Mends of Lawrence Lyon of Pacific Grove tendered that popular young man a delightful surprise party at hie home 410 Seventh street Wednesday evening The affair was held in honor of hie birthday anniversary Refreshments wera served at a late hour and gamaa ware played during the evening Those present report having had a vary I Joyable time WEATHER FORECAST For Monterey and vicinity: Fair Saturday Wideawake people aara money by reading the ads in this paper BUSINESS DIRECTORY While sagaced Is a drill rer with memban of the Pacific Grave Firs Dapartacnt Thursday evening John Orchard mall carrier fall across a hose snd Buffered a painful fracture of his wrist The break was dressed by Or Frank Han of Pacific Grove who hfs stated that Orchard will be urnMo to attend to his duties for at Issst six weeks ana perhaps two months During hie incapacitation Howard Neighbor to xubetltutlig for Orchard Girl Graduates From Conservatory Mies Ida Newlova of Pacific drove last avsalag received a certificate of gradaatloB from the Doullet Comer-vatcry of Mnnfc la Ban Francteoo aooordfng to -word received by relatives in Paclfio drove The Pacific Orars young Indy to a talented musician and has spent considerable time In penult of musical perfection She la asyeetad to arrive in Paeifio Grove vithia a few days ENTERTAINED AT CARDS Mrs Daniel Kay of Pacific Grove entertained twelve of her friends at a bridge party at her home Thursday afternoon In Hollenbeck Mrs Palmer of Stockist and Mrs Wood von prises Delicious refreshment! were 1 Dr Yates retimed to Pacific Grave yesterday sftsr a in Baa Franctock WANTED TO EXCHANGE Richmond property for Monterey property Resident apartment house 11 rooms nicely furnished nice yard lot 40 by to in fine loco-Prics 15500 Win take eottago fat good ooaditioa close in as first pajrnmt baleacn (to per month Including la tare at hones brings in payment sully and allows three living rooms For information writs Mrs Coulaon 177 Fifth stmt Richmond Cal 411 Ton want printing? Wa do printing The telephone will briag as together Let TICE Do Yr Mill Wort CONTRACTOR Expert Wert of Inf Lumber and All Kinds Hard Weed Flntoh- Phene 4fitW 17th at Paclfio Grew Place Cards Fancy Lettering Photogfuphe Ttatod eto Mlfifi EMMA MARLE 151 Sprues Ave Paclfio Grove Phone SUM Spirella Corsets la point of medical recognition Spiralis is wllhaat peer among eoraeti The Instants of Hygtoae of London Big having an its members the greatest medical xnoa of the United Kingdom granted this corset lta certificate for four naccmilri years KRl CL WILSON fiaMtatllfi BIB Granite ft Phene 4S7 PLANING MILL ulMera Hardware Specialty Makes Wladowe Boon Fixtures Doreen wire axxd Poaliry Fencing Fait Roofing Piper Can Laurel and Fau stain avenues FOOD PRODUCTS A "hebby" if sura and dwuld be with you Yes osrit lay toe siuoh etrsss en the things that msks ip your dally rattens Ysur pleasure depends upon yeur health Trust us to supply you with PURE GROCERIES A i HENDRICKS MS Lighthouse Avs Pacific Phone 411 Grove Noggk Electric Works equips jour home with Electrical Appliances They are cheapest in the long See oor line ran Phene Monterey 232 Alvarado SL SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME SCHEDULE In Sound GRIMSBY May Tha Britton trawler Cancer has been torpedoed and its crew taken prisoners according to advices received hers today Heretofore all trawler crews have been compelled to take to their boats A Sparolim Groceries and Provisions Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Pass Fancy Naw Potatoes Asparagus Artichokes Lettuce and Squash Headquarters for all kinds of garden and grass ssad In bulk or package 417 Alvarado Street Phone 32 Monterey Excavating SURE WE DO ITI PHONE 855J RUTHVEN A CERRANO Monterey Cal New Monterey Garage Agency Hudeon and Hupmablle 485-487 Lighthouse Ave Moatsray automobile Repairing and Supplies All Kinds ef Slaekamlthlng Dane BUSSEY Prep Phene tOft-J Wdl Lofthns fill Lighthouse Are NKW MONTEREY BLACKSMITHING BUILDING CONTRACTOR AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK A A WATSON Bunder Phase 8S8J dhop oa CaL SL opp Toma Prieto Stage Carmel-Monterey automobiles at yoar Barries Leaves Carmel Leaves Monterey 7:80 8:18 1:10 11:00 8:00 3:80 1:08 1:00 Packages dellvared at either place Small bundles 10 trunks 50s Single passage 16c Union Ice Co CHAS WILLIARDb AgL PHONE 80 MONTEREY Yokohama Laundry DOES ALL KINDS OF WORK AND DELIVERS LAUNDRY PROMPTLY IZUMI Prop Phene Manta rey 70l East Franklin St ear Adame PACIFIC GROVE PEOPLE ARE IMPRESSED WITH CLEANLINESS OF PLACE The guests of Mr Dobbins about thirty members of the Pacific Grave Civic Club yesterday were entertained at a delightful tea at tbs Pine Ridge Dairy beyond Pactfia Grave Mra' Dobbins was assisted In entertaining by Mrs Shafer a Miss Ella Thomas A splendidly decorated table waa set for tbo vial tors who partook of delicious refreshments attar an inspection of the dairy which proved to be the moat Inters! ting feature of tbo day The club mam bora stated after their departure that tbo dairy la In excellent condition and that only the moat modem and adsatifie devices are employed to insure eleaa llness the milk being screened eight time previous to being passed through pi pee to bo cooled and unrated Buck of Pacific Grove braved tbo company and waa the omly man present ha having accompnalod his wife on the excursion PRIME RIBS of boot are the moat popular the most setixfylng the moat nourishing and the most economical of all roasts' Wo alwaya hava the choicest and beat flavored beef obtainable Lamb mutton pork veal posltry at lowest market prices Central Market CHARLES BARKER PROF Trading Btampa Given PACIFIC 6B4 Lighthouse GROVE City 56000 1 662-00 72M 7000 7000 10860 11570 11070 1107u 11070 12060 7800 10860 7000 Shllllngeburg Dint Paw Agent Ban Jana CaL Pacific Low Round Trip Rates East On Sale June 14th IBth and fifth July fid Sd 5th 6th Ifth 15th Sfid fifth 26th end 27th August 4th 5th Ifth and 14th Some of the Rates Your Old Hat Made New BRIGGS The Hatter Barber Shop Clean and modern 06 Alvarado Billy Gibson and Tom Alxlna two experts always ready to serve yon Children given special attention BILLY GIBSON Prop A lady who lived in Monterey Ne'er cent tor rant did she pay Of course you know she moved ovary day Why be slow? Sing three We'll adnd a dray and out yonll go Cheaper to move than pay rent you know TRANSFER Professional Cards PHYSICIANS Dr Douglass OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN MS Lighthouse A Works Building Pacific Grove Telephone Connection A RITCHE Physician and Surgeon Office Bank of Pacific Grovs Building Pacific Grovs 1(0 Central avenue Special attention given to diseases of tha ays oar nose and throat and the scientific fitting of OPTICIAN Miss Douglass OPTICIAN Eyas Tasted Glasses Pitted Hours: 1:80 to 18 1 to M7 Lighthouse Ave Lloyd Building Padfle Grove CaL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Hudson Martin Jorgensen ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Rowe Building Monterey CaL Willey ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 1 to 8 Brad rick Building Monterey CaL Offse Phone 115 Res PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT WOOD PUBLIC ACCOUN1 ANT System Installed Auditing 817 Alvarado SL Phono Omaha and Kauai Dal lxx Chicago Memphis 8L Louis Baltimore Bolton Montreal New York Philadelphia Quebec Bt Pan! Washington New Orleans Tickets will permit 10 daya In which to reach destination allowing itop-overa any point outolda California going trip and at any point returning within limit ef ticket which la 90 days from date ef sale LOCATION OP FIRR ALARM BOXES Monterey (Old Tswn) 12 Franklin street between Alvarado and Tyler streets Conor of Main and Scott ate Corner of Figuoroa aad Webster stratta Comer of Pearl and Washington streets Comer of Alvarado California and Pearl street a Conor of Madlaon aad Pacific streets 11 Corner of Scott and Van Buren atroata Corner of Franklin and lATkln streets New Monterey Corner of Lighthouse and Irving avenues Conor of Lighthouse and Hoffman avenues 41 Comer of Hoffman a venae and Sponear street Oak Grave Comer of Seventh street County Road (ear ham) Corner of Third street and To Turn In an Alarm Break glass open door with hoy therein pull down tbo hook until it stops aad let gm Protected Throught by Automatic Block Signals Rail and Steamship Tickets Sold to and From All Points Inquire of Any Agent Montague Agent at Monterey Si? Southern REDEEMED IN MOXTEltEY Ysa tevs Is wait far the gin It Is here ready tor FA an pewsarialhn a coupons sad redeemable togs parkstTwltk Used to Him and John Bo! baas Co products 7tM rebate fatpafslrs (smiles BMsthae Ctoehg Mans PoKm Cfporaffea and assy then THE CLIMAX CIGAR STORE Frank Hellam Prop Monterey Cal Wood -Bros Proprietors of Washington Market CHOICEST MEATS AT ALL TIMES 405 Alvarado SL Phene 17 New Monterey Shoe Shop Shoe Repairing $11 Lighthouse Ave Next fa Monterey Mercantile Co This Is a Good Town AD PhD Together It wiD pay to read the ads in the Cypress.

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