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The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas • Page 6

Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30 1889 IN THE HEART OF AFRICA. TUGS THEATRIC. DR. HATHAWAY, Private, Blooa anfl Skin 7-lV fry 'Ji r- of Chicago's Great Amusement Temple. Leading Specialist of the West in this Class Diseases.

Practi33 Limited to Specialty. OXDEES OP THE AUDITORIUM. QVDTTTT T'J In th1 disease I have made it a special point to use kiii it iiiif. i ntr tiusi iiisai. sm.

it been adopted by the leadtn? hospitals turope and te east, ana mj For Weak Steele -impaired Digestion Disordered Liver. recusation has been built ud by iollowin out tms ireatmeni. i nas Den iouna to tno oaiy sure way oi erauicaimg mis wmwo jDRXTGGISTS. BIT AZX nnlsnn frnm tha svtP'n TrT my ireaimeiu ana you will ut A New Theatre In Boston Which la a Credit to the "Hub of the Universe." Tomato Salvini, the Great Italian Tragedian. YflliNfi AND MIUULL AuCiU ffltfl vvnisCHkriONs' should not fail to avail themselves of gnnw of relief or cure, as neglect of sucn troubles generally causes untold misery to yourself as wSl as friends- My improved method of treatment In these dlOicult cases and my large ex.

cafEeural bells and "chimes, and Is operated by hydraulic power, the keyboard being located in the orchestra. There is also an echo organ at the west end, near the ceiling, and a movable organ on the The scenery has been made in Austria, and is said to be of the highest grade of artistic excellence." Since the original plans were prepared there has been added provision for a smaller hall This ill be used for purposes of rehearsal It is situated era the s-venth floor, behind the upper gallery of the auditorium, and will seat comfortably over 500 persons. The seats are arranged in amphitheatre form, and the hall will be useful for many purposes. Recital hall is another feature of the building, and has already been dedicated. The pictore which heads this article is one of the designs used in the decoration of the great auditorium.

BOSTOX'S NEW PLAT HOUSE. Boston, the Hub of the Universe, has also a new theatre which, while it has not been constructed on the magnificent scale which characterizes Chitigo's auditorium, is still worthy of mention as one of, the finest theatres in the country. It is called the Tre-itiont. The appended cut gives a very good idea of the appearance of the interior. Spaciousness is the characteristic of the Tremont that, perhaps, makes the most marked impresisou upon the audience.

The entrance and foyer, with the broad stairway leading to the balcony, seems to have beon constructed and arranged without the slightest thought of cost. Within the auditorium there is the same generous provision for the comfort of patrons broad aisles and passageways, the roomy, luxuriously upholstered chairs of the Harwood de- have a treatment for these discharges iwri.n(v wlU.often "ive he'p where you have failed with others. USNATD1AL DISCHARGES XXll safe, and Is not used by any physician or specialist In the west It Is SUKE and cures cases that have been doctoring lor years. Prepared onl by TH0S.B EECHAM, St.Helens,Iancashire,England. Bi F.

ALLEN Sole Agents FOB OITED STATES, SOS 367 CA2VAJL, ZVEW YORK, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. (Please mention this paper.) tor symptom oiana i ir lJlOLAjljO Ur lllii Cfl.111. ins the dlllerent forms-of skin diseases enables Dr. H. to cure F.

C. Seloua Describe a Trip Over a Portion of Dr. I-Jvlngatouo Old Route. F. Selous attended a recent meeting in Cape Town for the purpose of describing the journey he made last year to the country of the Mashukulumbwe.

a tribe of savages whose habitat is north of the Zambesi. The well known African hunter said he left Bamang-wato early in April, lt.S8, with everything well appointed for a long expedition into the interior. He had two wagons well loaded with all requisites for that sort of life, basides five well trained horses, sixteen pack doufceys and dogs, goats, sheep and various other animals. On the journey from Bamangwato it was only with great difficulty that be managed to keep himself and bis men alive, in the middleof May he reached Paudamatenka, the furthest trading station in central Africa, where he learned that he would not able to cross the river Zambesi, as the country beyond was in a disturbed state on account of one of the prominent chiefs being on a hunting and raiding expedition. June 5 he finally started, with sixteen donkeys well loaded with ammunition and trading goods and about a score of Katirs.

also carrying loads. June 12 they got down to the banks of the Zambesi, and the following day crossed the river. Four or five days' traveling brought them to the first Batouga town, and here he might mention that in 1S77 he inaJe a journey down the banks of the Zambesi, traveling among the Batouga the whole tima These people had never soen a white man since Livingstone and Kirk came up the river in 1SC1, and they turned out to be very friendly indeed. After three days of this country they came into a fine land, a sort of high plateau, beautifully watered with quite a network of Streams, which all flowed into one big river, whiph explained why there wero such largo unwatered stretches in the country he had just passed through. On the fifth day from the Zambesi they came to a beautiful valley.

manT diseases that have failed to be cured elsewhere. The new treatment. "Klectrolysis, Is used for the removal of iiirthmarks. Moles, tuperduous Hairs, etc, from the face. Send for symptom blank Ho.

8 for skin alts eases. JY Is without doubt the leading speclalst of the west In this line. This Is not Idle claim, but Is biusnl upon facts. He is a sriuluate and holds a diploma from one of the old st and best medical collwres in the Lnited t-tates. viz: Dabtmocth, which lsa eollego whose tiiplonuis are recognized lu turope.

wrlch can only be said of a few tn America. Dr. BRADFItLBS H. has taxen special courses in me large nospuais oi tne east, ana has especially nttea nimseir tor his scectaltv Loo out medical Institute i and specialists who have no reuutat on. except what they say in their advertisement; they have no standing at home and do business only to get money.

iiFFjiira MALE r- giltlles or an nonor or cum. ir. nntnaway repuuiatea an sucn men ana deals oniv nonestiy ana honorably with all his patients. He can at any tim-3. upon request, as regards his professional reputation or financial li rfer to some of the best banks and busin -ss of St.

Joseph. Do not puffer because you have a prejudii-e a physician who advertlsas. A specialise who attends strictly to his specialty and advertises nothing -but what he can fulfill, has diplomas and cer Itieatea of ability, is to be tni'ted Jus; a much as the physic an wno does not advertise. The latter. IBB! I PrsfIB It Els when some one brea a ling sends an Item to he paper an tells tnem to be sure and say that tiie operation was shiUfuily performed by so an i so.

The only dlff rtnee U. 1 for my ad I IS AGE. Hp Bc-xara of FRAUDS Using my Kama. gest ia Practice vertising ana tuey get their tree, hut still they are deata on who advertise. All pavsiclans who are progressive will iidveitle in a short time p.iolic Is rapidly drlftins; that wav.

Beware of patent n.edk-ines and not urns. Diseases of human system should be dealt with carefully, aad should not be experimented uiAn. The safest way Is the best. money on cure-alls is poor economy. Call on or address Experienced.

32 A NENTH 5 WEST ECENTLY, when the cope-stone of the Chicago auditorium was laid, the impressive ceremonies marked k.4 i DR. HATHAWAY, Commercial Ban Bultdinrr. Parlors 8 and 9. Corner Sixth mid Kdmond Street. St Joseoh.

Mo. KANSAS C.TY, ClScvKonn it s. m. to p. m.

Bond. lota 12m. A I.ILAKSRAUUATK of to Medical College; Specialist tn Chronic, Kcnroug, Skin anil Elood for 30 years; in Kanta Citr 15 rears loneer than bet other ubv- Office hours: 9 to 12, 2 to 6 and 7 to Sundays, 10 to 1 on y. Te ephone No 4'Ji MENSTRUATION OR MONTHLY SICKNESS IF TAKEN OURNt CWftMGE. Ult CKHtR MQtQEn jsook BRADFIELD REGULATOR CD.

ATLANTA GA. the completion of the larg-building of its kind in the finest est and i aician; every best rercedy used, and knowing what to with grass, water and trees, and before them soi tiftu Bft'seisrs. a range of hills, at whose foot lay a Batonga For sale by SWIFT HOLLDAY, at Whole sale and retail. village, the people of which were very friend ly and told them that if they went up the hills they would come to an open plateau stretching right away to the Kat ukwo. The next morning they ascended the rather steep hills and came on a iiae, open, rolling coun- eiyt? rlmenta are mada Bewaro of pretender, claiming to be thaorigintl Dr.

'Whlttier In Missouri. Ill practice estaulU bed inbT. LOUS in 1857; in KANSAS IT' inifco; treatment tested tc.r two Knevstions. See me in person at mv only omen in Kansai city 215 W. Kin th Street.

J. C. Vf HiTTiER, M. 0. I at otBe or by mail itiviteU aod strict.

eoniilf ntiaU Medicine sent by mail or express evervhere, securely packed, free from observation. Dr. Wh.ttier. 213 VV. Ninth St.

City, after life-loag pra.cti.c9 cures quickly, safe.y atid for Ufa VQ U8WK SKf8' DEBILITY VmtfflSr. ArHiogc from Indiscretion xees or Indulgence, ftcr.oii:ies, Debility, Dimness oi Sight. Self Din. rust, Ie receive Memory, Pimples on Kaee. Aversion to Loss of AmbiMonA'ufitnetsto luarry.

Dyspepsia. Stunted Development, lAt Manhood, Weair Back, Uilky rine, Night Lones, 'etc. eUf once. All exhausting drains stopped, weak parts strengthened, and enlarged. My method of treatmentis Scien ti tic, Safe, tu e.

lasting for life; builds up the Nerves, Strengthens ttie Sv.tem, Restores Vigor. My Life-long Experience. Special Study of each case, pure Medicines, specially prepared therefor, iuaure a Real Cure. Consult DK. WHITHER.

Kit. ha 1113-1115 Main Kansas City, THIS LEADIXO PHYSICIAN, SURG ON, I AND SPECIALIST IS STILL CURING All Kidney, Nervous anu Acquired Disease try, with a plentiful supply of game, lhey then reached the village of the Batonga chief, Monze. Mouze was a very old, shriveled up man, but' remembered Livingstone's visit quite well, and although it was thirty-five years ago he spoke of it as if it had happened but a few years since. Mouze told him how Liv Long ago Dr. Jacobs Dispen DISEASES OF WOMEN' ingstone had gone on alow hill.

near by, called i sary was estaDiiiiiii ror tn treatment ot all Curable Chronic and Surgical Diseases OF MEN WOMEN This well known lnstl tutlon la in charge of a orps ot skitliul and experieaeai lyioi? Save Halls, Churches, Faco- EbfieJl Kies. will find the 170. 2 GLOBE lUCAHDESCSNT WHa the best, safi-st, most AJi. E2 durable ecouom- jVZjd tS a ical coal oil lamp 1 lu the world. Idi gilts a room US i't.

Icaa limn also make HtLV iVk House fuU. line ot artistic oiinu Stand, Vaseand Banquet i.amrs. (tfVy This size is the 17o.3 GLOBE IKCASIDESCENT, world. The building is said by The Chicago Tribune to cover one and five eighths acres, and has a frontage on Congress street of oGJ feet, on Michigan avenue of 1S7 feet, and on avenue of 101 feet, making a total street frontage of 710 feet. The walls from the foundations to the street level are of block rubble, laid in Portland cement.

Above this the walls are of sewer brick laid in cement and mortar, and to make them morerbomo-geneous and capable of resisting possible irregularities of settlement strip3 of band i are built in at the levels of the differ tit stories. The exterior walls of the first story are of granite, and those of the second story of brick faced with granite. Thence to the roof, 148 feet above the sidewalk, the walls are of brick, faced with Bedford limestone. The main entrance to the auditorium proper is on Congress street. A series of arches open upon a spacious hall, on either side of which will be the ticket offices.

This entrance hall is finished in marble, with pillars of the same material and a magnificent mosaic floor. Tb Wabash avenue entrance to the elevators is profusely decorated with marble panels of great beauty. Many interesting points arose during the construction of this unique and enormous structure. Among the noticeable feats of engineering acooniplished were the carrying over the stage of four stories of rooms and two stories of iron rigging lof ta. These are supported by four iron trusses, each having a clear span of 110 feet.

The banqueting hall is carried over the body of the auditorium building by two iron trusses, each of 130 feet span. On the Wabash avenue front and the Congress street corner the first floor is devoted to stores, and all above these are offices. Pioneer Specialist of Kansas City, secure tho best skill and bo cured for life. Question List No, 1, free, in ilain envelop with ADDRESS, explaining wliy so many fail to get cured. BLOOD sium-ro auch as SCROFULA, RHPT 4TI9.

CATARRH, KCZKSA (itchy oracaly Tetter), and SYPHILIS, producing Fleers, Eruptions, Blotches on the Body or in the Noe. Mouth Throat or Tongue, cau-iug Swollen Glands, Falling Hair, In flammed Kyes, falus In Bones, Ac, positively and forever driven from the nvstem Ly Safe, Time-Tested Remedies, and Permanent Cure effected. I cure BVfHILIH. crept or old eases, for life, safely and tmrfty. No poisons need.

treatment is the result of 30 Years' Experience and the Hot Springs method Cure Guaran. teed. Never to Return. Such Cases demand specita studr. THE TREMONT'S AUDITORIUM.

vice in the orchestra, and every seat in every part of the house commanding an unobstructed view of the stage. SIGXOR TOMASO SALVIXL It is probable that no European actor, with the possible exception of Henry Irving, will ever receive a more enthusiastic welcome in the United States than did Signor Tomaso Salvinl Too many biographies and sketches of Sal vim's life have been published to make one interesting now, and it is even unnecessary to say that he is acknowledged to be the leading living exponent of the Italian school of acting. Many old theatre goers, who have learned to admire him during his former tours in America, will be sorry to learn that he has fully resolved to make the present his farewell appearance on this side of the water. Salvini, like most men who have made decided successes, has many little peculiarities and some big ones. He is a man of strict and precise ideas of morality both in social and business life, and when on the stage he insists that everything shall be done exactly as it should be.

In Bologna, several years ago, he was announced to appear in Othello, his first representation of the character in that city. The character of Iago was entrusted to a well A SPECIALTY. Book Circulars and Question List on Nervousness, (oustipa-t on, Neuralgia Leucorrhoea, Pain In tue back. Prolapsus I Piles, Female Weakness, Dyspepsia, f-klu Pimples, and all blood diseases. CATARRH Improvement noted with every application DEFORMITIES.

Best Facilities, apparatus and remedies fur successful treat ment of every form of disease requiring Medical or Surgical Trea ment. Only reliable medical institute making a specialty of PKIVATK DISEASES. No mercury used. New restorative treatment for Loss of sexual power. Miiiclnes or instruments by express; no marks to indicate content; or Sander.

Physicians and Surgeons, O.wkessi-Kessi, and had used an instrument, which, from his description, was evidently a compass or a sextant. Iu the beginning of uly ho left Monze, and in a short time came upon a bmall village of the dreaded Mashukulumbwe. They next came to the rivers Magoice and Uugwessi. Dr. Livingstone marked the latter as a tributary of the Kafukwe; but this was an error, for ho followed it up and found it flowed into the Magoice.

Here they came to another Mashukulumbwe village, the inhabitants of which assumed a most threatening attitude. They then crossed the Ungwessi, and reached an open tract with nothing but long grass, six to eight feet high, upon it. Suddenly they found themselves in the midst of villages the inhabitants of which were to all appearance friendly, and the chief manga, who owned the whole district, as well as the canoes on the Kafukwe, told them to pitch their camp near the huts. DR. JACOBS, President of Aaotilty experience and treatment.

Avoid patent medicines or inexperienced bands. Call or write for Question List No. 2. and careful opinion sent privately, explaining the disease and why so-cad led ''Remedies, Blood'Puritiers, fail to cure. SC-dney Urinary Complaints, Painful, Difficult, too Frequent, Blood or Milky Uriue, Unuaturul Discharges promptly cured.

Gouorrhosaand Olcr-t quick ly relieved and radically cured without instruments or pain. 8TRICXUKK. cured at home and by patient, without pain. annoTanceorui.eof instruments. Treatment elmola fat'' t- -It and completely removes strictures of years standing.

Sueeesa gunranteea or ee returned, question J.lSt Xf Q) O. free friendly ttiLkco-UnotMng. Cull or address invaluable for Lighting ibrr.rics, Dimcjj-rooms. A B3-WRITE FOR CIRCULAR on Deformities. Trusses, Piles, Tumors.

Par ilys.s, Kidney, and Bladder Diseises. Halls, fariors, and all DR. WHITTIER rU KAM9AQ PITV Vlin ST. 3zu mm 2 1 5 W. NINTH TO ALL MEti Suff-Tln? from Nervous Deb llty, Lost Mannood, Falling Memory, Exhaust'ng DmlllS.

TprrihlM Ttra.ina VlAfirl nnti ljSa nn.i nti laaHl n. lit known and popular leading man, Signor Pio cinini, a man of immense stature and physical CANDtEiWIi A part of the next day was spent in hunt early d--cay and perhaps consumntlon Ins'anltv. treated hv mathods i iinsul- strength. At the preliminary rehearsal all bt ing, and the whole day then camp was surrounded by armed natives with their barbed assegais and peculiar head dresses. Night THE STAHDARD LIGHTING Cleveland, Ohio.

M.iVnT-J"- IJheiiinatlsni. Scrolul. Bad Blood, Skin and Urinary Diseases, Poisonou DlscharRes, i iVSf, Swellings, qidckly relieved and radically cured. Book, Lif E'S SECKKT LKRORij," 4 cents. Syphilis, Scrofula, Bad Blood, Skin and Urinary Diseases," Gleet, Strictnre, P-Msonous discherge.

milky urine, pa nful swellings, quick re.Ieved and radically cured. Dp. jacoos is a taxpayer a property owner. Send stamp for question li ts and booki on any chronic iseae and rest assured that we can cur 3 you li it can bo done i science and skill. approached, and, in contrast to the previous day, everything was quite still.

The Kafirs For SaJa by Lamp, Crockery and Csalers. had their assegais in then- hauds and looked uncomfortable. He ordered them to throw ground on the fires, intending to creep round to the back of the village. He was just reaching over to take some cartridges out of a bag when" three guns went off in his face and Wintsr mm. some were fired at the other side.

Then the assegais came pouring in through and over PRIVATE IT. EARLY'S DISPENSARY, DR. EARLY lsth1 oldest and most successful in the west He has had thirty years eiperleuca la the treatment of NERVOUS DEBILITY, SPERMATORRHEA, IMPOTENCY, ETC, Resulting from abuse In youth. Indiscretion, or excass la mature years, speedily cured. Dr.

Spinney, went well until the famous scene in Act III between Othello and Iago, when at an important juncture Piccininl was found to be on the wrong side of the stage. Sig. Salvini quietly and politely pointed out to him his mistake, and requested him to take the other side when giving the actual performance. Piccinini grumblingly consented to do so, saying that although he could not see that it made much difference, yet he "supposed," when the time came, that he would assume the position desired by the star. "You suppose?" exclaimed Salvini.

"Nay, sir, you will be there." When night came things went smoothly until this very scene, when either intentionally or more probably through forgetfulness, Piccinini again took his stand upon the wrong side. Salvini stopping dead in his part, walked deliberately across the stage, seized the astonished Iago by the waist, and carrying the six-footer across the stage as if he were a child, deposited him on the desired spot, with the audible exclamation, "You shall stay there For a moment the audience, completely taken aback, was silent, but, grasping the situation, the house broke out with a volley of tumultuous applause. Piccinini, even more thunderstruck than the audience, simply bowed to Othello, and the performance went on. At the end of the act there was a vociferous "call," the audience being fairly mad with excitement, but this was nothing to the enthusiastic uproar which ensued when the two actors, hand in hand, appeared before the curtain in answer to the call It was a genuine ovation to both men to one as the teacher of a lesson, to the other as its recipient. From that night until poor Piccinini's death the two actors were the warmest and best of friends, and when Piccinini, through loss of his sight, was forced to leave the stage, the people of Bologna were the first to Her are few to consl la- tn the selection of reading matter the farm and flrt-sldft through the bl months tint ar to follow.

$1.00 One Dollar $1.00 will pay your subscription for one yar to Tie Tfipla Weekly GanitaL The Weikly Capital will con aln the kites; telegraphic new- of he worlci, ail the Mate news ot Kansas, a tue local baapenlng.i of the capital city. Full reports will ba Riven of all political, religious, fraternity, nt other convn-uons. happen'ngs. and news vf general In erest. No aper In the sta will equal It In excellence of general correspondence, storl-fs and 11 erary ral.sce.lany the be-t writers.

EJitona ly, it advocates, without fearer favor, the Republican Party, and is at nil times a Karwag paper tor Kansas people. Subscribe now. $1.50 W.ll nar for a reir's subscription to the "scherm" by the ton (laughter). Tho enemy then rushed in and all was confusion. Each one made for the long grass, as therein lay the only hope of safety.

He also made his way thither, facing them with his rifle, determined if any man ran against it to pull the trigger and take the consequences. While backing away thus he fell, and as he did so a body of Mashukulumbwe rushed from tlio grass to the camp, two falling upon the top of him. He then turned on his hands and glided into the long For the moment he was safe, but he, however, determined to put a long distance between himself and the village "before daylight. He then swam across the river Magoice, and after several hairbreadth escapes and thrilling adventures, during which his rifle was stolen and an attempt was made to murder him, reached the village of Sikabenga, whence ho proceeded amidst great hardships to Panda-matenka. Here he found the remnants of his party.

Pall Mall Gazette. "X.V -t -yA fcT 0f.n a-nA QinN Diseases, or Scrofuii, Ecze DhJJU ttllll Ofiln Rheumatism, tio ter, Syphllili. Pimples, old and troublesome Uicers, Scald-hea Silt Rheum, burning and Itching, etc. Also EYE, EAR, LUNG and THROAT JMKr9'" URINARY, KIDNEY and BLADDER 2Y52S.Ti2 enoe of Urine, 1)1 a botes, Brlgct's Disease. Catarrh of th Bla'idfir, Enlarged Prostate, -tunted Develop nent.

Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Strictures, Milky Urine, Bloody Urine, Pain In the Back, eta, c. relieved la few days a li permanently cured In a short time. FEMALE COMPLAINTS pmS placement of the Womb. Lu--orrhea (or Pru-ritis (or of vagina and rectum) sue -essf ully treated.

Send for sample both of DR. EARLY'S RECITAL HALL AUDITORTtTM. The ninth and part of the eighth story are occupied by the Chicago Conservatory of Art and Music. On the tenth floor are the offices of thw architects and other officers of the building. The rooms on the other floors are spacious and fitted with all modern improvements.

Many are occupied by musicians and Other professional people, and it is expected that tho building will become the art center of Chicago. Its great height places it above both the smoke and the noise, while the view from the upper floors extends over the whole city. The tower 249 feet high is a feature in itself, and its six stories devoted to office purposes will include as many rooms as are to be found in many individual office buildings. There are nine passenger and four freight elevators in the building, all operated by hydraulic power. The tanks for this purpose are on tho fifteenth story of the tower.

There are eleven of these. Those for the elevators have a capacity of gallons, while the house tanks contain gallons. An artesian well, which has already been sunk to a depth of 1,300 feet, will furnish 150 The Old Reliable Specialist TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE NItVOTJ9. CHRONIC and PBIVAfS BISEASKa Mea and Women Successfully treats! YOUNG ME 1ST uflerfUg from tu effests ot youthlal fol ls or la iscretlons, or are trouoied Weakness, Ne.vous Disability. Loss of Hnmory.

Despimdea-cy. Aversion to Society, Kidney a iy of tiie Genlt--rrlnary Organs ca'i hero And a safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, speelally to the poor. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Th'ie are many troubled with too requ ct evacuations of the bladder, oftf-n accompanied by a eilght smarting or burning sensation aad weakening or the system tn a niannir tlio patient can account for.

On examining the urinary deposit a ropy sediment wilt of tea ba found.and soraatim partlcU of albumen will appear or the oler be of a t'a tn, hue. ueain chane- ToBBta WBflHy GaniM SPERMATORRHOEA SPECIFIC express for $5 per bottle. A sample bottle will convince the most skeptical ot its "mmm Dp. Early's Femaia Regulator. pntbot' 4r.

eelpt of price. Mo letters answered unless a stamp be sent for return. In wriinj mention this Vi. 1 1 -1 a 1 7 1 IT 0 a vwm i paper. AgBiil iuruermaa uecinc iwu3.

ici is noiL-v Ddiwura, wmvn uvuiu iwui to ti 2 to 6 p. evening, 7 to H. Office 731 Kansas avenue. Parlors 1, Zand 3. THE KANSAS FARMER.

This will give you the best polltlcsn paper In the state tozether with the best agricultural paper lor lltUe more ban the price of one. $1.75 Wl 1 paT for a year's to the Topbka WKyni-Y Capital and secuie for you a complete set of Dlc-eu's Works. 15 volumes, a cjpy of The Topeka Weekly Capital sor one year and a et ot Scott's Waver.y novels (12 volumes), In good, clear print, and neatly bound Your Own Local Paper be glad to give yen a very low clubbing rate with Thk Topeka Weekly Capital, ry lr. In aeeepting any of the above pro; mono; must accompany order. can bf made by pos.onice order, note, or bank draft, to J.

K. 1 opeka, Kans is. come forward with such liberal aid as placed him beyond the reach of want for the remainder of his life. lus to a dar- tsrpld appearance. There mny men who dla of this difDcuity.

gnorant ot the cause, hlch is toe socond stage of semla.U veaaei. The doctor will guarantee a perfect cure in all such eases, and a heltty restoration of tue enlto-urlaarr organs. Consultation free. Senl 3-ceat stam? for Younu Man's Friend, or Guide to Wedlock." free to all. Address DR.

SPINNEY Main end Kansas City, Mo. EyMenUon this A Skim of Beauty li Joy raver. DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S C-lEIIiL CREAM.

CR MAGICAL BEAUTITTE-, The Kestilt Kesulted. In the last Ohio legislature was a representative who had been elected and re-elected until he was serving his fifteenth term. At the opening of the session the first bill introduced was to grant authority to a certain Thomas Shields to construct a mill dam on a certain river. Some one hunted up the fact that this bill had been regularly introduced and as regularly killed through the efforts of the old timer at every session for a dozen years, and when he was asked to explain he said: "It's just this way: A dam thero would be all right, but Shields is down on me, and the minute a bill is passed he will lay for and Rive me a whaling. So long as I can stave off his bill he will let me alone, hoping to get it through the next session." "But the people favor a dam there, and it is hardly fair to keep them out of one because you and Shields have a quarrel." "But I don't propose to invite a pounding." Later on, when the bill came up, a number of the members rushed it thruugh against the protests of tho old-timer.

When he found Lhnstlf defeated he said: "Well, you will see what the result will be. I've got to get ready for ji licking." Three days later, as some members were going homo from an evening session, they found a buudle of something against a fence. When lifted up and undone it proved to be the mashed remains of the objector to the mill dam. They recovered consciousness when handled, and when ona of the finders Risked what had happened a voice faintly answered: "I met Shields here about half an hoar ago, and the result resulted just as I said it would. He not only pounded me, but he rof.

Byron Field, as well as beautifies the tkla. No oth EAST SIDE' CIRCLE To Vinewood Parle Saturdav. September 23. and Trains leava waiting rjom (nec CopelanJ tei aslo.lows: On wes lys at it. and 1J: a.

a id 1:15. 3 r43 aii p. ra or hundafs at 9 and a. aaJ HAS, 2:15, 4 and 5:.5 p. m.

ForC. meterr on wel dajsat 7. 9-Si. a. 1:15.

3, ai 6:15 p. in. On Sundays at 9:40. USi, lsi, 2:15, 'li. 3-3, 4 al 4 :4 P- m- Foriottae Grove on wek da at 7 a.

2 and 6 15 p.m. On Sundays a and 4: JO p. m. Take a pie isant 5 ml rifle for 5 cents ani nsm tne Improvom.nt goln? on at VUwrjd tls ptiarnei. Walnuts ani nazsinau yet pleatlfal In toe par and surroa ldioj wjodt.

Cat tlniB card oat. W. W. BRIGHT. Saprlntealeat gallons of water per minute for the use of the auditorium hotel.

There are elevators in the tower as well a3 in the main building, so that access can readily be had to the highest point. The electrical department of the auditorium building is on a scale commensurate with the magnitude of the structure. The dynamo room of the hall contains six engines and six dynamos, with a capacity of 5,000 sixteen candle lamps, besides furnishing 115 horse power of electric motors for tho ventilating fans. There are five engines and five dynamos for the hotel department, with a capacity of 4,600 sixteen candle lamps and 140 horse power for motors. The hotel will be run both on the American and European plan, rooms being furnished either with board or without it, as may be desired, i Public interest in this great building centers in the hall or auditorium, the finest room devoted to public purposes in the world.

Bren when in its incomplete state it was utilized for the meeting of the National Republican convention of 1SSS, its magnificent pro portions impressed all who saw it. The nail covers a space 120x260 feet. Its main entrance is on Congress street, the gallery entrance on Wabash avenue, and there are emergency exits on Wabash avenue and on ithe alley to the north. The seating capacity of the hall Is 6,000, and by an ingenious arrangement of movable ceilings, or more properly Iron curtains, the upper gallerit can be entirely cut off, and the seating capacity reduced to 4,200 or 3,500, as may be mm SPECIALIST. I II.

I I I. -CT I er cosmetic will do lu Ee moves Tan, Pimples, rec kle. Moth Pat s. Hash and Skin diseases and every biemlsh on beauty, and defies detection. It has i.iJii;.;;.!!! TOMASO SALVIXL Signor Salvini's son, Alexander, is well and favorably known as an actor, and for several years formed one of his father's sup FIELD'S AKTI-BILIOUS WORM POWDERS iemove all worms except Tm-Worm.

Act- t. i port. He has also, at various times, teen Oryf in professionally connected with Margaret Ma mg as a cuairao, tney cieense me lyiwa of all irapariti'w. Give taem a triaL Tfcey wa taste so harmless stood the test of 37 years, It to be sore the Accept ir. and Is ther, Clara Morris and other famous peop reparation is properly rande.

of the stajre. and has starred with his own are ua om. i ue no oilier. At omgciaut or by matt, in 25c. 50c and $1 rim.

leneii oi sinuir iiaiuo. tun companies at various times. L. A. Sayer.

sld to a lailr of the a (a patient): vri iaiia ti.v nem, I recm- fi Tin- Uakii removed aii ia two boars ti I AFt nUiiM bye specuJ remedy, heed Saivhirs new piece, "Samson," has already tnerui nratuTt Crrarnr it Unxt harmful of I piiKT ci i. uauareui ere removea n- created a great sensation, and commands the sk-'n preparation'. One ttle will last i highest praUe from the critics. Potato I'ie, 809 KASA AXKSVK. HSTAEL.I iU ED 1873.

TELEPHONE 149 twelve years' interest." New naauy or CDi spenno. Write lor particular. Consaitation free. Addreaa Pre-, BIROS riFfD, Ci Kacsas AreBO Opp. Windsor HoteL TOPEKA.

KAN. added the York Sun. months, us it ev ry day. Also Poudr subtile removes supernous hafr without Injury the skin. FERD T.

HOPKTN'5. Proprietor. Bond St. tbrougn to Mala OfSee, 37 ttreat Jones st 2ew Xorlc Jror sase by all Drai'gis and Kancy Good GEO. B.

PALMER UNDERTAKER, The unusual item in this latitude, sweet potato pie, on a bill of fare the other day recalled to the Listener an incident of his youth in a well appoiuted Virginia establishment. A very fierce looking wild cat is on exhibition in a Wheeling store window, and it has attracted a great "deal attention ins to 1 The main floor, including the forty-two bdxes, has 1,800 seats. There are no proscenium boxes, the space usually taken up by Dealers tbroaghout the U. ad TTurops. tir-JBeware ol Base Imlta ions.

Jl.iiOJ rrops. M7-eware tmse imita ions, ji.iwj it 4 man who rrofesi-d to ils apearaace. A man wuo to war(j 5Cr arr9St aad proof ol anyone sehln; beiajr devoted to the great orgnx where the coo, a genuine Dinah, fat and shining, was a past mistress in the mysteries of southern cooking. Xever again will fried A Perfect Faco Powder. are about 1,700 seats in the main bJ- conv.

and 730 In each of the two galleries. chicken taste so but let the rhapsody pass. a ACE POWDER. The stage, 70 feet deep and 110 feet wide, is Dinah sweet potato pie was a cream, and it the other night, and there was quite a crowd about the window. The ankaaL, which, is stuffed, in some wav fell from perch, and the crowd on the" outside inauo a great scatter, while the old hunter, on the inside, caxne near fainting.

lartrer than that or Drury Lane ana only in tne listener, minatui or the demands Os Kino i Swlrt Ic erior to the stages of La Scala, at Milan, borne for cooking receipts, called on auntv SCHiFFMAX.T ASTHMA CUREi and the Grand Oners, house, at Paris. There An StTTtii ear. C-t; D.k jr. lk are two iron curtains, by the use of which I Instantly relieves th iost -toUrct ttck 0 1 waiting for result-. It kuos is imicecU-1 ua, direct und certain.

ad cure is tiie esalt i ..2 1 au LATEST FEF.FOPtlE exquisite the stage opening can be reduced to 75 or to F. tijp air kv; tn-- tr. 1 nt fi tap aio rii ua 47 feet. The entire place is fireproof, and Ti ai Hosts or ty ifl TrUJ FEEEfJAKS HIAWATHA BLONDE Half the stage can be completely cut o2C from the i. -mi.

wi auditorium at a moment's notice. j-iaj A Transformation Scene. This xi-as our sonny's mouUi Ef fora be housht his cane Tho KrU all saia -IIow sweet he smiled with might and iriv Eut since he pot his stici. "Ijke thiit of ottier uwa." AtJ'l KiJCkl it- do they. Tis Is his mouta a-io Detroit Free Press.

dv4S LITTLE LCS3 finMTLEf3rl The organ is situated in the northeast cor ner. and is to be a four manual, with 175 in her kitchen and asked her for the receipt. "Well, you see, honey, I takes two eggs," and then she went through tba whole formula of custard and crust, mixing and baking, but never a word about the sweet potato. "Now, aunty (anxiously), tell me ho- much sweet potato you usef "Lor' bress yer, honey, I uses jess as little as possible Transcript. Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity of the refined toilet ia this climate.

Pozzoni's combines every element of beauty vurity. stone and 7.S71 nines and bells. The Tjl FREEMAM'3 BLONDINE Injury wm-j lloM UlT Ha HBm Ut I pipes are thirty-two feet in height. The or-pan cost $50,000, and the builder, Frank PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CteaJHV and beantirtj th hmir. I't-uin.

-o 3 luxurnt grxtwrh. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair ts its Youthful Color. Curf gcai A hir r.t rmg-i. Di brCIiM. HmwaXii A lutlu.

ttr It. trmr Si. If rr Hrwrtl bs a tm Roosevelt, of New York, was instructed to furnish the finest and most complete instru-tueiJ made. Ithaa a complete set of point 6 -t i-J S' 1 rm-jji T-KFCil. To California and Paeif.c eosst via Rock island route.

o. Specialty- 3.

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